Against the Eye Of Terror Pt. 3 / Burning Witch Adventurers Session #97
For the third wave in the attack against the Eye of Terror, Copra Kaan convinced a party to move against the demonic beings known as Mariliths that had seized control of the section of Level 1 that had once served as holding pens for creatures used in the experiments of the Imperial Mother's researchers. Copra thought that the holding pens might be needed once the Eye of Terror was finally moved against. For reasons that could not fully be ascertained, the demons had some sort of agreement with the Eye of Terror. This plan was a bit of a tough sell. The Magician Phasmo was the most willing to entertain the idea.The magic-user held the belief that dealing with the Mariliths didn't necessarily mean meeting them in combat. Perhaps, the party could find out their aims (which most exist beyond the very terrestrial goals of the Eye) and negotiate with them to turn on the Eye. Just in case, he paid a visit to the wizard known as the Enchantress-- his mentor in the Transcendental C...