
Showing posts from June, 2022

The 111th Company of Orm and the Iron Door of the Rani

 The adventuring centered around 'The Complex' has caught the attention of local ruler the Rani. Since the events that revealed that underworld occurred, there were rumors of her newly strange behavior and distracted attentions. That all changed when the monstrosity called Oloth El'gg Ssuson  came to Orm  and  the raids  that followed in its wake. The Rani declared the unregulated delves into 'The Complex' and the culture of recklessness around it responsible for these ill fortunes befalling Orm. To prevent such things from occurring again, the Rani has seized control over the entrances to this underground dungeon. Who Can Delve into 'The Complex'? Under the decree of the Rani, only those authorized to delve shall be granted access to the underworld space known as 'The Complex'. Rumor has it that she auctioned off early access to a foreign adventuring group known as the Illustrious Company of Khourau (an NPC party from the Principality of Kouz). Memb...

Burning Witch Adventures Session #77- Ghost Party!!!

 These last couple of weeks, gossip had be spreading around the Burning Witch of the 'Dragon Slayers' over at the Drinking Crow returning to delving into the underworld known around Orm as 'The Complex'. Meanwhile, a group of the Witch's own regulars turned up with lavish jewelry and a pile of silver coins after disappearing into the ruins of Orm-of-Old for a couple of days . The spirit of adventure was once again in the air around the drinking holes of Orm and a quartet of the settlement's more novice dungeon crawlers wanted in. The group unfurled the tavern's community dungeon map to examine their options. After the ill fate of the drinking pal of one of their number (the deceased thief Dogmouth) by a dark ooze at the northern entrance, the group settled on checking out the room labeled "Ghost Party" on Level 1. They stopped by the guild hall of the 111th Company on their way down to the beach and the entrance now controlled by the Rani. The f...

Dragon Slayers of the Drinking Crow Session #40

After a return to 'The Complex' the previous week, the adventuring group operating out of the Drinking Crow (sometimes call 'Dragon Slayers') found their thirst for adventure renewed. Their gnome rescuee, Buddy B. Barksdale, had shared a hefty pile of intelligence on the goings on in the first three levels of the underground.  The group, having taken a dislike to the forces of the Eye of Terror, decided to return to the cliffside entrance to hunt them down on Level 1. The following group was spied passing through the iorn door the Rani installed in the cliff face: Amu Iben (Level 1 Half-Elf) Rex (Level 1 Ne'er-do-well Retainer) Father Bert (Level 2 Errant Friar of Arisham the J udge) Petra P (Level 2 Elf) Willow the Wisp (Level 3 Illusionist) Yeoman Klang (Level 2 Thief hireling) The party returned an hour and a half later. While all lived, several were covered in goo and Father Bert's face was covered in small, circular bruises. More importantly, the group retu...

Burning Witch Adventurers Session #76- Return to Adventure

 It had been a long time since a group of adventurers had gathered in the Burning Witch with one purpose in mind--to delve below the earth on an underworld adventure! Inspired by recent events, this hiatus was brought to an end by GaWoosh, Hate Pit, PakPak, and Wolfgang. Joining them at their table sat the recent gnomish rescuee Buddy B. Barksdale as he made a stop on his drinking tour of Orm.  Fellow patrons and eavesdroppers could hear them discussing the cold war inside the Complex between the Eye of Terror and the Imperial Mother. Patrons did not been to be a nosey gnome to overhear Barksdale loudly proclaim, "Me and my gnomies?!? We can come to the surface *hick* as we please!", as he stumbled out of the tavern to relieve himself on the Monument of the Old Gods. With the departure of Buddy, the groups conversation turned toward the Rani's 10% tax on treasure leaving the Complex at the cliff-side entrance. After weighting which was worse: taxes or potential death at t...

"What Have You Been Up To All This Time" Results Pt. 1

Here are the results for Bast, Charlie, Curtis, and Marie's extended downtimes. I handled the downtimes of the Dragon Slayers in session this last Monday (hints of what the were were included in their session recapped). I will tackle writing up those for Rob A., Ben L., Aleks, and Sam when I can. Those that earn new clocks, please be patient on see finalized versions of those. I am juggling developing the updated Complex along with blog updates for an update map of Orm, current hireling options, and the state of the entrances to the Complex. Bast: Betina and Heike's Extended Downtime Betina Seeks the Red Monk Over in the Discord, Bast presented for the Level 4 Fighter Betina the following extended downtime: Betina's search for mentorship continues in the long downtime with her hiring a guide (cost?) to help her locate the Red Monk in the under city of Orm-of-Old. She had previously left offerings of fruit along with a message of inquiry as to how she can meet and train wit...