Burning Witch Adventures Session #77- Ghost Party!!!

 These last couple of weeks, gossip had be spreading around the Burning Witch of the 'Dragon Slayers' over at the Drinking Crow returning to delving into the underworld known around Orm as 'The Complex'. Meanwhile, a group of the Witch's own regulars turned up with lavish jewelry and a pile of silver coins after disappearing into the ruins of Orm-of-Old for a couple of days. The spirit of adventure was once again in the air around the drinking holes of Orm and a quartet of the settlement's more novice dungeon crawlers wanted in.

The group unfurled the tavern's community dungeon map to examine their options. After the ill fate of the drinking pal of one of their number (the deceased thief Dogmouth) by a dark ooze at the northern entrance, the group settled on checking out the room labeled "Ghost Party" on Level 1. They stopped by the guild hall of the 111th Company on their way down to the beach and the entrance now controlled by the Rani. The following group was reported as entering through its iron door:

  • Bludoon (Level 1 Dwarf)
  • Dog Dawg (Level 1 Cleric of Zotul)
    • Sonya Strong (Level 2 Fighter hireling)
  • Exodi Errai (Level 1 Fighting Gensai)
  • Heike (Level 1 Cleric of the Free Prince)
    • Sarge (Level 0 Man-At-Arms hireling)
A few hours later, the group was seen drinking at the Burning Witch with Brian the Gnome. There is no record of the party exiting the Iron Door. When asked by guild head Whiskers Redbeard, Sonya and the Sarge recounted at tale of encountering some ghosts. The ghastly experience caused the group to retreat while the otherworldly terror caused the group to become disoriented and uncertain as to how the returned to the surface.

Dawg Dog and Brian hit Orm carousing. During the antics, Brian came close several times to spilling the beans on a secret gnomish tunnel system between Orm and 'The Complex' but he stopped short of revealing any substantial details to the adventuring class of Orm. Dog Dawg has open a relationship clock with Brian (per the rules of the Cultivate Relationship downtime). He and Brian are now "Asscoiates".


  • 28sp newly minted and stamped with the symbol of the Eye of Terror
  • A suit of strange black armor with a red symbol painted on its chest (claimed by Exodi)

Experience Points

  • 2xp from treasure
  • Vat born foot soldiers of the Eye of Terror defeated 2 x 10xp
  • Guardian Brothers surrendered 8 x 10xp
  • New Level Dungeon Entrance Uncovered 100xp ea.

Player Character Cut

  • 6sp 3cp ea. (2sp and 8cp ea. to Sonya Strong and the Sarge)
  • 125xp ea. (62xp ea. Sonya Strong)
Player made write-ups, art, or maps reporting on the session earn PC Level x 100XP. Let me know if anyone besides Dawg Dog is interested in a downtime activity.


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