Here are the results for Bast, Charlie, Curtis, and Marie's extended downtimes. I handled the downtimes of the Dragon Slayers in session this last Monday (hints of what the were were included in their session recapped). I will tackle writing up those for Rob A., Ben L., Aleks, and Sam when I can. Those that earn new clocks, please be patient on see finalized versions of those. I am juggling developing the updated Complex along with blog updates for an update map of Orm, current hireling options, and the state of the entrances to the Complex.
Bast: Betina and Heike's Extended Downtime
Betina Seeks the Red Monk
Over in the Discord, Bast presented for the Level 4 Fighter Betina the following extended downtime:
Betina's search for mentorship continues in the long downtime with her hiring a guide (cost?) to help her locate the Red Monk in the under city of Orm-of-Old. She had previously left offerings of fruit along with a message of inquiry as to how she can meet and train with the Red Monk. She equips herself and the guide with more offerings of fruit, extra clothing, blankets, and some other trinkets and small necessities (cost?) If all goes well, Betina is able to make contact with the Red Monk and begin training with him. If the results are poor, then the Red Monk continues to elude Betina and might actually spurn her attempts to seek his mentorship
For the long term hiring of her guide, a wastrel named Iggy, Betina must pay 100gp in order to roll 2d6 (modified by her reaction roll modifier) on the below table. For each additional 250gp (maxim of 500gp) spent on gifts for the Red Monk, she gains a +1 modifier to her roll.
Betina Seeks the Red Monk |
2d6 Roll | Positioning | Result |
1-6 | Negative | In spite of Betina's best efforts, the Red Monk continued to elude her. She her dogged pursuit of the mythic guardian has invoked their negative favor earning Betina a -2 modifier to their next attempt at contacting the Red Monk. In her failed efforts, Betina made extensive use of her heighted touch sense causing the ability to increase by one pip out of six. |
7-9 | Neutral | Betina has successfully made contact with the Red Monk! She established the first of four levels in a special mentor relationship clock with them. She is able to spend a downtime with the Monk honing her ability to use the darkness to her advantage (gaining +1 to melee attacks when an enemy is in darkness or blinded in her next session). She begins her next session having just honing this technique. |
10+ | Positive | Betina discovered location sacred to the Red Monk. The respectful offering she left there impressed them causing the Monk to reveal themselves. A four-step mentor relationship clock will be created with the Red Monk. This clock will be set at 2 o'clock. In addition to the above the result for 7-9, Betina can learn to expand her heightened sense of touch allowing her to engage in range of 50' or less. In order to train for this skill, she must spend a downtime and roll 2d6 modified by 1/2 her fighter level. It takes three successful rolls to unlock this ability. |
Heike Jockeys For Power Within the Clerics of the Free Prince
In the same Discord thread, Bast offers up this for the downtime of her Level 1 Cleric of the Free Prince Heike:
Heike's long downtime efforts have been dealing with the death of the Free Prince's leader Shilo. If results are positive, Heike finds herself well positioned in the organization of the Free Prince. If results are negative, she finds herself in the minority faction of the organization with limited support and resources as a consequence.
Roll 2d6 (modified Heike's reaction roll modifier) on the following table:
Heike Positioning Within the Clergy of the Free Prince |
2d6 Roll | Positioning | Result |
1-6 | Negative | Heike successfully cultivated favor among the clerics of the Free Prince. Regretfully, it is only with a minority within the faith as in her efforts she espoused a theological view that is unpopular with most of the faithful. What was is? A five step clock for Heike to topple the orthodoxy of the faith of the Free Prince in Orm, starting in the 1 o'clock position, will be created. In addition, Heike gains a -2 to reaction rolls with mainstream members of the clergy of the Free Prince. |
7-9 | Neutral | Heike's efforts to help the Shrine of the Free Prince through the rebuilding of Orm and the loss of Miracle Worker Shilo has opened the door for Heike's potential advancement within the leadership. A four step clock to ascend to the top of the religious hierarchy around the Shrine of the Free Prince in the Alley of the Gods will be created. This clock will start in the 1 o'clock position. |
10+ | Positive | Heike has proven a steadying hand at the Shrine of the Miracle Worker in the Alley of the Gods as it moves through this tremulous time. A four step clock for ascension within the religious hierarchy of the Shrine of the Free Prince will be created. This clock will begin in the 1 o'clock position. In addition, Heike will be able to add 1/2 her cleric level (rounded up) to her next attempt at advancing the clock due to impressing her fellow clerics with her leadership. |
Charlie: Wolfgang Attempts an Alliance With the Rashers
For the downtime of the Duelist named Wolfgang, Charlie seeks to work towards resolving an ongoing conflict with a family of halflings known as the Rashers. The Rashers, who run illegal fight in Orm, had seized control of Wolfgang's dueling school as a part of a disagreement around Wolfgang making payments to the Rashers as well a training their fighters. Charlie sent me the following suggested downtime:
For my extended down-time I thought about what it would look like to duel the Rasher’s greatest champion and move up to “boss,” since we took out so many of their leaders.
In trying to establish an alliance, The Wolves Den would transform from a modest dueling training center into a larger center for a variety of martial arts (wrestling, dueling, and any other form of combat that comes through). Bridging the gap between the Rasher’s vision and Wolfgang’s.
To determine the result of this expanded downtime, Wolfgang will roll 2d6 + 1/2 his duelist level to determine his level of success:
Wolfgang Duels For His Place In The Rashers Organization |
2d6 Roll | Positioning | Result |
1-6 | Negative | Wolfgang challenged the champion of the Rashers--the Red Rambler--to a duel. The resulting fight was a draw. Impressed at his moxie, Reward Rasher offered Wolfgang a position to teach at the Wolves Den under headmaster Dirk Death. Wolfgang begins a six stage clock for becoming "boss" of the Rasher's operation with Wolfgang in the 1 o'clock position. In addition, Wolfgang was severely injured in the duel permanently lowering his maximum HP by 1HP per level. What is the injury? |
7-9 | Neutral | Wolfgang beat the champion of the Rashers in a duel. As a result, Reward Rasher was welcomed Wolfgang into his fold placing the duelist in charge of the Wolves Den once again. A five stage clock for becoming "boss" of the Rashers operation has been started with Wolfgang in the 1o'clock position. |
10+ | Positive | As above but in addition, the Wolves Den has flourished under Wolfgang's hand. Wolves Den advances forward one rank as an institution. |
Curtis: GaWoosh Seeks A Mentor
Curtis sent the following request for his gnome GaWoosh to find a human mentor in the ways of illusions:
GaWoosh has been spending the past several months away from the Gloaming Hills Gnomes and Orm entirely, searching tirelessly for an Illusionist mentor. Camping at night to avoid Inn costs, practicing his flute during each sunrise; GaWoosh began to worry he was merely avoiding his problems, having left important allies behind to fend for themselves.
“No! With the right training, I can fix this!”
GaWoosh can roll 2d6 + 1/2 his Illusionist Level to show how successful he was in his quest for a mentor:
GaWoosh Hits the Road to Find a Mentor |
2d6 Roll | Positioning | Result |
1-6 | Negative | GaWoosh found his quest to study under a human illusionist fruitless. He was going to throw it all in when one morning he found his flute playing matched by another song. He followed the song to a small burrow where he discovered an old gnome who introduced herself as "Fox Mother". She has offered to teach him if he can share with her a complete meal entirely composed of stolen ingredients. Once GaWoosh has collected said items, he can spend a downtime attempting to open a training clock with the "Fox Mother". |
7-9 | Neutral | GaWoosh's travels took him to the streets of the Principality of Kouz. There, he found a troupe of illusionists that dazzled the residents of Orm's sister city-state with their magic for entertainment. GaWoosh fell in with their lot and proved himself their equal with his own displays of magic. An elder in their number, named Prismo, agreed to follow GaWoosh back to Orm and take him on has his mentee. GaWoosh must spend 500gp to set up Prismo in Orm to open a four step clock at 1 o'clock with his mentor. |
10+ | Positive | In his journeys to find a mentor, GaWoosh was caught up in a bad late spring storm. He took refuge in a cave lined with crystals. Safe and out of the bad weather, he fell asleep. He dreamed of a vast and dark sea that made the heavens and everything below. He flew on the back of giant, radiant old towards a bright, white pyramid composed of crystal that floated on a mote upon the sea. There he met peculiar being, bald and clad in white. They spoke with two voices and introduced themselves at the Dreamer of Many Hues. Through a surreal set of steps, they shared with GaWoosh the method to perform one illusionist spell of his player's choices that he is able to cast. As GaWoosh moved towards the waking world, he heard the Dreamer offer in invitation for GaWoosh to return. GaWoosh opens a five-step clock with the Dreamer of Many Hues starting in the 1 o'clock position. |
Marie: Hate Pit and Glow Pit
Hate Pit Collects Treasures
Marie sent me the following missive composed by Hate Pit to describe who the Vat Spawn has spent their time:
Dear Pit Pit.
I hope this letter finds you well, and is read to you aloud so that you may enjoy its contents, and that whoever reads it does not do a hurtful impression of me. I won’t KNOW if they do, but my feelings would be hurt if I were to find out.
I am sorry it has been so long since last I wrote. Things have been very busy here and I have had very little free time.
The Container continues to grow and attempt to acclimate the freshly visioned Vat Spawn from the dungeon. Glow Pit sees the success as mixed, I however, think that things are going beautifully and that we are beginning to build something beautiful together!
For a group outing we assisted the citizens of Orm with burying their dead. In exchange, they said we could keep whatever fell off the bodies. Most of the limbs were in poor condition - but much of the non-organic material was perfectly fine!
Once a week, me and a few cousins from the dungeon sort what we have found into piles or columns and it is very satisfying. Once we have decided the most visually pleasing configuration, we will catalog the items for the lending library.
While I am still bereft over the loss of my ex-Squire, Banx, and riddled with shame over the hurt I caused Ur-Kel, Glow Pit no longer wants to hear it, so I have been going on daily walks to collect strange and interesting art that I find on the ground. I have found many carapaces, spikey balls, slimes, and pleasingly shaped objects. On nights when I am sad, I hold them and take on their properties. I enjoy most being the stone that is beautiful when wet, but boring when dry.
I know you can’t write back, but I hope someone does, and tells me that you are well and that you are happy.
Hate Pit
Hate Pit can roll 2d6+1 for the assistance of the Ghoul Crew on the table below:
What did Hate Pit Find? |
2d6 Roll | Positioning | Result |
1-6 | Negative | Hate Pit found items to create artwork worth a total of 1d6 x 100gp. In addition, they caught psychic lice crawling around the ruins of the Subtle Chateau. They are gain -2 to saves of a magical nature. In additional, roll 1d6 at the start of every session to see if the psychic live have spread to infect the whole Container. |
7-9 | Neutral | Hate Pit finds items to create artwork worth 1d8 x 100gp. In addition, they found 1d3 items of minor magical benefit (like a piece of chalk that never runs out or shoes that never leave foot prints, etc.). |
10+ | Positive | As above but in addition, Hate Pit found a crystal orb that looks to contain a storm. It was a part of the elfin airship The Purple Rose. When touched by bare skin, the orb releases electricity doing 1d8 damage to anything wearing metal in a 10 ft. range. Every round held, roll a d8. On an 8, the orb stops. The next time the orb is used, roll a d6 every round with it stopping on a 6. Move through the chain to a d4 then a d3 with subsequent uses. After running through four uses, the orb no longer has any juice. |
Glow Pit Devotes Their Time To The Container
Similarly, Marie passed along a second missive detailing the Vat Spawn Glow Pit's efforts to expand develop the instution known as the Container:
Pit Pit -
*And whoever reads this to Pit-Pit.
Shit’s. Been. BIZ-EE. Hate Pit came outta the Dungeon a while back with a bunch more of our newly-sighted cousins so I had to set aside my own personal dreams, goals, and aspirations, in exchange for gettin’ those dumb dumbs all put together while all of Orm was gettin’ sacked.
What little personal time I DID have was spent bleedin’ in jars ‘n transmitting’ psychic messages via my spit.
Which is totally fine ‘cause the alternative was wanderin’ round out there with Hate Pit ‘n the Ghoul Crew. Did you know once a week they all sit down and just sort trash into a BIG pile in the middle of the floor? Wild.
I’m including a glow-rope friendship bracelet. I made it with blood from my body, but fiber from some stuff I found in the dungeon.
Miss you!
Glow Pit
Glow Pit can roll 2d6 to advance the institution. For every 500gp spent, a +1 modifier is gained (maximum of 1500gp for +3).
Glow Pit Works on the Container |
2d6 Roll | Positioning | Result |
1-6 | Negative | Glow Pit's effort have seen them become the figure head of what some would call a scourge of Orm's society. While their fellow vat spawn look to Glow Pit for leadership, those of the Ghoul Crew have been unable to shake the more aggressive parts of their indoctrination. That, combined with their new found freedom seeing them indulging in hedonism, see some equate the Container to a street gang. The container advances to a Minor intuition that sees 1d3x100gp of ill-gotten gains appear in its coffers every month. Regular soap box speeches against the Container occur near the Monument of the Old Gods stirring up negative sentiment against its residence. |
7-9 | Neutral | Glow Pit works to deprogram their vat-growth siblings form the toxic thinking of their creators. They engage with Orm with fresh eyes and open hearts with is seen as enriching the community. The Container advances to a Middling institution. At any one time, 1d3 0-level Vat Spawn are available for hiring to assistant on adventures. |
10+ | Positive | As above but when Glow Pit has been sending psychic messages through their ichor and Hate Pit's spit, something has started talking back. Whatever it is has lead Glow Pit to excel at running the container. Glow Pit can expend a downtime to perform "non-magical research" on metaphysical and cosmological nature. In addition, Glow Pit can expend a down time to gain a +1 bonus on their next downtime to develop the institution of the Container further. |
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