
Showing posts from August, 2020

Burning Witch Adventurers Session #37- Rookies

The ranks of the adventurers and their hanger-ons the regularly populate the great room of the Burning Witch have thinned in recent weeks as Yellow Fever continues to run through Orm. Some of the newer participants in the exploration of the Complex (along with a few persons adjacent to the more experienced treasure hunters in Orm) decided to take the opportunity to launch a delve of their own into Level 1 of the Complex. The group included: Copra Kaan (Level 1 Vatspawn) Dog Dawg (Level 1 Cleric of Zotul) Geoph (Level 1 Gnome hireling) Kiddo (Level 1 Magic-User) Chauncy (Level 0 Orphan hireling) Morata (Level 1 Hob), deceased One-Leg (Level 1 Vatspawn) The party were seen returning from the ruins of Orm-Of-Old carrying a water-logged wooden chest. They were without their member Morata. After letting the chest dry out over night, the group split its contents. The lock of the chest brought back by the party drawn by Morata's (and PakPak's) player Rob A. A slip of paper was found o...

Burning Witch Session #36- To Parts Un-Gnomed

 Scamandros once again desired to pull a party together to further his plans for the gnomes of 'The Complex' (or Indos na Egra Eithog as the hill dwarves call it). The following expeditionary force was assembled: Betina (Level 2 Fighter) Ulua (Level 1 Magic-User hireling), deceased Dogmouth (Level 1 Thief) Fancy Jean-Yves Beauvillers (Level 2 Bard) Sapient Cat DT (faithful dungeon terrier) Scamandros (Level 3 Magic-User) Kiddo (Level 1 Magic-User hireling) The party returned with Betina missing a leg one member smaller: Ulua the Magic-User. Atypical for a party including Scamandros, her body was not brought back with the party. Betina's leg wound miraculously was already healed over. Fancy and Betina could be over heard discussing how the fighter would secure the funds to commission a prosthetic leg from Doctor Fortunous. Scamandros wandered off trying to locate Crannoc to see if his expedition from the day prior had met with the gnomes.  Loot 17 'magic' bananas (9 ...

Burning Witch Adventurers Session #35- The Song of the Harpies

 A very unusual thing happened in Orm this week. An adventurer from the Drinking Crow ventured up from the harbor and past the Monument of the Gods to join a party form the Burning Witch in adventure in the Complex. Not since Bors Redbeard joined in the mission where he declared the kobold PakPak a, "hero," many months back has such a thing occurred (we'll not talk about the mission to Sourwood that V'nais Two-Face joined in at the moment least our eyes turn too far from Orm and 'The Complex'). Yet, a rather new and fresh-faced adventurer decided to cross tavern lines. The following party he joined seemed uncertain of their intentions in 'The Complex' outside of a visit to the Foreman: Copra Kaan (Level 1 Vat Spawn) GaWoosh (Level 2 Gnome) Aspirant Traz (Level 1 Cleric of the Aspirants of Mu hireling) Journeyman Crannoc (Level 4 Magic-User) Lirazil (Level 1 Helf hireling) Morata (Level 1 Hob) Thea Noir (Level 3 Assassin) The party returned with the...

Player Recaps from Burning Witch Sessions #33 & #34

 Here is a pair of recap material from two recent Burning Witch  sessions: The first, from Session #33 , is in the form of a letter Scamandros means to deliver to gnome chieftan Big Freeda. The second is a pair of drawings by Abraxas' player Sean from Session #34 .

The Dragon Slayers of the Drinking Crow Session #15- The Hounds of Hell

New to Orm is Copra Kaan, heir to the recently deceased V'Nais Two-Face. He barely had met the crew that operates out of the Drinking Crow  before they were off on their latest expedition. As they were leaving the harbor, they seemed uncertain of their purpose- explore the area behind a rune-sealed door on Level 1 or venture down into Level 2 to battle the Zombie Lord. The party still debating their mission was: Bors "The Burnt" Redbeard (Level 4 Dwarf) Lefty and Whiskers Rebeard (Level 1 Dwarf hirelings) Copra Kaan (Level 1 Vatspawn) Fredrick Featherstone (Level 4 Vestigator) Gregor the Gray Ghosthound (loyal doggie) Malagath Finbaros (Level 2 Elf) Lampy Longshanks aka Many-Faced Gene (Level 2 Assassin hireling) The returning party had, unlike many recent expeditions, had all of their original number (although Bors was once again singed. They were also heavy laiden with an assortment of treasures-- silver coins, a 40' longer tapestry, and a horde of bone cylinders. A...

Burning Witch Adventurers Session #34- Doorways to Wonder

The Burning Witch has been kind of dead. The general residents of Orm seem to have been avoiding the place as Yellow Fever has set in. This, though, does not stop a small table of die hard regulars from discussing another delve into 'The Complex'. The agenda is quickly agreed upon: treasure. As they leave to make the familiar march down to the cliff face entrance, one of them can be over heard saying, "How bad can the consequences of ignoring this mark really be?" The party included: Abraxis (Level 1 Fighting Mutant) Frim Frimerson (Level 1 Fighter) Journeyman Crannoc (Level 3 Magic-User) Aspirant Traz (Level 1 Cleric of the Aspirants of Mu) Phasmo (Level 3 Magic-User) Lirazil (Level 1 Elf hireling) The group returned bearing a series of metal urns. After the piles of coin treasure were divided up, 111th Company member Aspirant Traz and Lirazil wandered off into the night to celebrate in their successful delve. Traz was spotted floating between several backroom water...

Latest News Around Orm- Yellow Fever Update #2 and more!!!

Here is the last fortnightly word around Orm- The Drinknig Crow has expanded! The tavern now features a harbor-side two-story deck that is said have some of the most beautiful lanterns illuminating the area with lights from behind tinted glass. It has been the favored drinking area of those citizens of Orm bold enough to go out as the Burning Witch has taken a recent stain in its reputation. Fancy Jean-Yves Beauvillers is announcing a naming constest for the cat he found in a jar inside 'The Complex' a week ago (who is definitely not named 'Pickles'). The orange tabby displays an odd intelligence but there are no clues to the cats previous name. Yellow Fever is, by far, is consuming the interest of the citizen in Orm as it continues to spread . The member of the 111th Company, Excellent Witch Kilith, died earlier in the week. The outbreak continue cut through the hireling guild with Company charter holder Banx and her life-partner Ur-Kel both counted among the s...

Burning Witch Adventurers Session #33- Throne Rooms & Carcass Crawlers

 Once more, Riverborn Scamandros sought to gather a party to join him in a delve into "The Complex" to further his goals of finding some respite for the gnomes that reside there (and resolve the situation around their claims to the structure they call Indos na Erga Eithog or the Halls of the Distant Fathers). And once again, he found more than a few adventurers willing to accompany resulting in a party including: Betina (Level 2 Fighter) Theela Ruul (Level 0 Exiled Amazon hireling) Fancy Jean-Yves Beauvillers (Level 2 Bard) A cat and dungeon terrier in tow GaWoosh (Level 2 Gnome) Journeyman Crannoc (Level 3 Magic-User) Plumes (Feather-beast retainer) Scamandros (Level 3 Magic-User) Kiddo (Level 1 Magic-User retainer) Wolfgang (Level 1 Duelist) The party returned, a noticeable tension between its members, as they dragged two captured 9' long worm-like creatures. There is talk that the group may sell these creatures. Theela Ruul and Kiddo departed from the party to blow off...

The Dragon Slayers of the Drinking Crow Session #14- Tragedy Befalls the Mr. Fantastic...and V'Naïss Two-Face, too!

 The Dragon Slayers of the Drinking Crow ventured once more out to the beach in the direction of "The Complex". After a fortnight of carousing, street performances, and studies; the adventuring itch had hit them once again. Mr. Fantastic, the dragon killing dungeon terrier, lead the way followed by: Bors Redbeard (Level 3 Dwarf) Lefty Redbeard (Level 1 Dwarf hireling) Fredrick Feathestone (Level 3 Vestigater) Gregor the Gray (Ghost Hound pet) Malagath Finbaros (Level 2 Elf) V'Naïss Two-Face (Level 2 Vatspawn), deceased Willow the Wisp (Level 2 Illusionist) The party returned laid with electrum coins but also bearing the headless corpse of party member V'Naïss Two-Face on the Grim Reminder. Mr. Fantastic also perished. Malagath Finbaros, known to some as 'The Hero', seemed in a weakened state. Bors' player Shahnawaz provided the latest journal entry from the Redbeard brother covering the events of the expedition: Bors’ Journal Entry nine:        ...

Burning Witch Adventurers Session #32- To Crush Like an Insect

Frim Frimerson (Level 1 Fighter) had forgotten his obligations to powers within "The Complex" yet, out of pure luck and his severe distaste for "commies", he fell into fulfilling them when he called for another raid on the Red Hive. The following adventurers joined him in venturing out from the Burning Witch: Betina (Level 2 Fighter) Axel (Level 0 Man-at-Arms hireling) Crambo (Level 1 Magic-User) Theela Ruul (Level 0 Amazon Exile hireling) Journeyman Crannoc (Level 3 Magic-User) Plumes (Feathered Beast retainer) Thea Noir (Level 3 Assassin) Wolfgang (Level 1 Duelist) The party returned to the Burning Witch, their boots covered in blood and ichor. They were seen paying for their drinks with coins stamped with a visage matching that of the Midnight Marauders recent captive. Fellow patrons noted that the strange marks that recently appeared on Crannoc and Frim were no longer present. Loot battleaxe covered in Wolfgang's blood 550gp for the bounties on Red Hive head...