Latest News Around Orm- Yellow Fever Update #2 and more!!!

Here is the last fortnightly word around Orm-

The Drinknig Crow has expanded! The tavern now features a harbor-side two-story deck that is said have some of the most beautiful lanterns illuminating the area with lights from behind tinted glass. It has been the favored drinking area of those citizens of Orm bold enough to go out as the Burning Witch has taken a recent stain in its reputation.

Fancy Jean-Yves Beauvillers is announcing a naming constest for the cat he found in a jar inside 'The Complex' a week ago (who is definitely not named 'Pickles'). The orange tabby displays an odd intelligence but there are no clues to the cats previous name.

Yellow Fever is, by far, is consuming the interest of the citizen in Orm as it continues to spread. The member of the 111th Company, Excellent Witch Kilith, died earlier in the week. The outbreak continue cut through the hireling guild with Company charter holder Banx and her life-partner Ur-Kel both counted among the sick. While the Yellow Fever was initially centered around the tavern the Burning Witch, over the last fortnight it has seperate to every corner of Ormian society from glass magnet Ivouri Vas to Serjent Xos of the force from the Impossible Fortress station in Orm to Souz'awn of the Midnight Marauders. Of the adventurers that reisde in Orm, only the following four have come down with the illness: Crambo, Hate Pit, PakPak, and Wolfgang. All of them are currently still in the throes of the disease.

Between Serjent Xos falling ill to Yellow Fever and rumors that a severe case has broken out among the Crooked Hand, petty cut purses, independent second story men, and all manner of other villains have been indulging in bold criminal activity. The wise word is on the street is to make sure your valuables are well secured and to not venture out into the streets of Orm after dark.

Adventurer and investor in the Drinking Crow, Bors Redbeard, has spent 400gp on messengers in an attempt to attract healers to Orm from other areas in Ur-Dan. Meanwhile, Riverborn Scamandros has recruited the Midnight Marauders to accompany a botanist to acquire ingredients from the Gloaming Hills for insect repellent that will keep Yellow Fever spreading bugs at bay. 


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