Downtime Catch-Up Post #1

Here is the first post of several catching up on downtime activities I had been bad about resolving. This one covers a couple of things Scamandros and Hate Pit have done in the recent weeks.

Scamandors and the Gnomes of Indos na Egra Eithog

While over 100 dwarves worked on the creation of what the hill dwarfin documents refer to as The Halls of the Distant Fathers, only 12 are cited as being on the initial contracts (which are not found among the scrolls in the Athenaeum). Of those, only three stayed in Ur-Dan after the migration upon the projects completion: Stoney Rock, Butch Goldbeard, and Lode. That the dwarves that became the Rootless only contained membership of one fourth of the initial contractors the grand subterranean project their descents now are trying to claim looks to place the claim on dubious footing. Traditional, surviving signers or their descents all have to be involved in a claim using the Clause of Abandonment. These legal waters, though, seem to be muddy for Scamandros as the other 3/4s of the initial contracts themselves could be said to have abandon the project when they left for other shores.

The clearest writings on the issue come from a Sweets Goldbeard in the form of a series of petitions and motions filed by the same gnome to the Trustees of Soothill. The documents, seemly stolen from Soothill's archives, pushed the gnomes of the settlement to return to the Halls of the Distant Fathers but in counter argument to the claims of one "Freeda Lodesworth" under the Clause of Abandonment. Sweet's argues that the project was never completed and therefore, the gnomes of Soothill where legally obligated to return to the depths to complete the work of their forebears. Several passages from the private journals of Butch Goldbeard are refered to in support of Sweet's side of things but those pages have become unattached from the documents he is studying.

Scamandros still has a downtime's worth of prior research left open. He can continue to follow down questions around the Clause of Abandonment but either lines of questioning around either the 12 initial contractors or the Rootless rest open to him. Research around the Clause or the contractors would gain a +1 to his roll due to the guidance he received from the Imperial Mother.

One-Legged Fellow

A recent expedition into "The Complex", a pair of mauve-skin men appeared roaming the streets of Orm. One seemed to follow the adventurer Sergio Cankersore with a starry-eyed devotion. The other lost his right leg that been tied off with tourniquet due to an arterial cut. The latter piqued the interest of both Rivewrborn Scamandros of the Athenaeum of the Dying Sun and the glum vatspawn warrior known as Hate Pit.

Scamandros visits the vat born soldier as he recovers from his injuries. Perhaps over some shared spirits of some kind (it is hard to imagine a social visit by the Beholder without), he asks the former servant of Valtropis what he aims to do with himself. He replies talking about how all Valtropis raised him and his kin for was bloodshed. He knows little else and finds it hard to imagine how he can pursue such a path missing his leg. When he speaks of his fellows and of his former Sorcerer King, his words are heavy with equal parts sadness and spite. He shares with Scamandros that his knowledge of the underworld dungeon the Brother's call 'The Complex', he could probably live comfortably for awhile selling them to adventurers if the ilk of the magic-user. He finds such a life short sighted, as what would he do when his well of intelligence runs dry ? Maybe if he had lost an arm instead of a leg he could find light guard work. But with a missing leg....perhaps he could find work drilling fighters into shape or assisting an armorer in the maintenance and management of stock?

Hate Pit visit is much different in nature. They come to their fellow child of the pit with an offer of shelter and to teach the one-legged veteran the ability of a vat spawn to graft one parts from monsters and other beings to their bodies. Hate Pit should make a cultivate relationship roll of 2d6 modified by their reaction roll bonus.

The Wyrm Blade

Hate Pit pays 100gp to the Athenaeum of the Dying Sun to research a strange blade found in a tomb on Level 2 of the Complex. It is by this slender, azure blade that Hate Pit finds the sword in the a tome covering the early years of what is know the Order of the Dragon. Three Wyrm Blades forged to battle reptile cults that once thrived in Sourwood. The engraved wyrms twisting along the length of the blade are commonly mistaken for serpents to those without a careful eye.

The sword is a +1 magical sword that when the proper oath is recited to the blade, grants the ability to breath underwater to is bearer.


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