
Adventuring in the Twilight Age

Welcome to the Twilight Age Ever since the Empire-That-Was receded, no human endeavor under the fading red sun has reached its heights. Some say humankind no longer possesses the know-how to reach such grandeur. Others claim that confronting daily a sun that could fail them at any moment has filled folks with a spirit of defeat. Regardless of the reasons, it is in the face of such apocalyptic ennui that we find the peoples of Ur-Dun. Just south of the fallen Imperial capital city, this series of towns have become petty city-states just as embroiled in squabbles as they are in desperate dependencies fundamental to their survival. These human-led settlements are not the only civilized peoples in Ur-Dun. The mortal regents possess delicate treaties with distant Elfin Courts. The Gloaming Hills below the Slumbering Mountains are populate with small pastoral settlements of the hill dwarf (re: gnome) descendants of the folk that built the Imperial-era structures that litter the r...

Red Riders of the Drinking Crow Sessions #91, 92, 94, 95, and 98- Delving Towards the Long Night of the Cave Elves

On a mission to restore the petrified Fredrick Featherstone to flesh, Bors the Bald made some decision of regret involving the cave elves. Bors gathered the following party to once again venture to the Twilight Shores to infiltrarte the caves inhabited by the Nightmare Court: Party: Bex (Level 4 Vat Spawn) Bors the Bald (Level 5 Dwarf) Butterfingers (Level 1 Halfling hireling) Eddie the Hook (Level 3 Grappler) Yeoman Klang (Level 3 Thief hireling), deceased Fredrick Featherstone (Level 5 Vestigator) Sunya Strong (Level 4 hireling) Gil (Level 2 Magic-User present) present Sessions #95 Rumble Beerforged (Level 2 Dwarf) After months of absence in Orm, the group was spotted climbing down the fireplace into the Drinking Crow from the fey drinking hole the Hob Nob. Accompanying them were a young cave elf named Zep along with two time-lost escaped prisoners of the cave elves: Holbek the Cobbler and Tamm, a magic-user trapped in the body of a 10 year old girl.  Treasure torch and tinder bo...

Red Riders of the Drinking Crow Sessions #96 & 97- In the Tomb of a Sorcerer King

Following the events festivities of  the  Resplendent FĆŖte , a group of the Red Riders set out to collect one of the three crucial ingredients for making the stew that reverse the aliment that is preventing Copra Kaan from healing. Based on research performed by Copra, it was believed that some wight mushrooms (known for growing in resting places of the dead) could be found in a tomb at the center of Orm's graveyard. It is said to be the resting place of a Sorcerer King that ruled over Orm centuries ago. The Party: Armeen of the Two Rivers (Level 5 Cleric of Danu) Copra Kaan (Level 4 Vat Spawn Antaur) Crambo (Level 5 Magic-User) Agera (Level 3 Fighting Mutant Retainer) Fr. Bert (Level 5 Errant Friar of Arishem the Judge) Petra P. (Leve 4 Elf) Treasure A pair of jewel-encrusted gold serpent armbands worth 500gp 10 coins weight of Wight Mushrooms Experience Points 500xp from treasure Headless undead defeated 10 x 25xp Mushroom headed zombies defeated 2 x 35xp Player Character Cu...

Red Riders of the Drinking Crow Sessions #81-85, 87-89, and 93- The Black Pyramid

 Back at the dawning days of autumn, a group of the Red Riders left from the Drinking Crow to journey into the Complex. They aimed to join a pair of lunar elves, Aureal and Ruitat, on their spiritual quest give to them by their Dreaming Tree: journey into the plane-hopping dungeon called the Black Pyramid. Visions of this foreboding structure had plagued the citizens of Orm for over a year. They grew more ominous and vivid with each passing day until it had materialized within the Great Cavern. What would they find within the pyramid? The Red Riders that had lived among lunar elves had been told it contained wealth beyond their wildest dreams. More importantly, the structure was a spiritual trial that could result in profound understandings. This view was not shared by others. The Phantomorians who had been staying at the Lazy River warned of the existential threat posed by the Black Pyramid. They preach that it is the embodiment of the left hand path that stands in opposition of t...

Castora Cup Team #2- The Wrecking Crew

 It has been a minute since I have posted anything here. A big part of that is most of the sessions I have been able to run have been off in the pan-dimensional dungeon called the "Black Pyramid" (a concept borrowed from Ben L.'s Wishery campaign). Neither party exploring this planar sub-dungeon has returned to Orm yet so I have been keeping details under wraps. I do have an unposted recap of one of the sessions of the Castora Cup drawn by Nita's player and cup dsigner Curtis. Here it is:

Castora Cup Round-Up

  The Castora Cup designed by Castora's player Curtis Lorithk created by Curtis The first annual Castora Cup was held under the Hunter's Moon. Cast under the Bronze Dragon Galatea's smith, Kirathk, the trophy aims to honor the memory of Castora, the deceased Order member the tournament honors. To win the Castora Cup, each team was scored on speed, strength of the monsters battled, and the team's ability to work together towards their mutual survival. Any group bringing a torch, lantern, candle, or item with Continual Light cast on it are disqualified. Four teams, each with sponsors from the Impossible Fortress' court, competed.  The first place team wins 1000gp ea. and possession of the Castora Cup until the next Hunter's Moon. Second place wins 500gp ea. Third place takes home 100gp ea. Not all of the teams held to the five member average honoring the Dragons of the Order of the Dragon. Teams are given +500 bonus points for every member below five and -500 poin...

Red Riders of the Drinking Crow Session #80- "Deadly Perfume is a Beautiful Phrase"

 The party for this session was: Bex (Level 3 Vat Spawn) Bludoon (Level 4 Dwarf) Sunya Strong (Level 4 Fighter hireling) Edouard "Eddie Hook" "The Human Grapping Hook" Thesz (Level 1 Grappling Berserker) Fredrick Featherstone (Level 4 Vestigater) Scheherazade (Level 1 Paladin of Law) Here is a recapping of events by Bludoon's player Sam: Treasure 12 black fruits collected by Bludoon Zombies in large burlap sacks sold to the Order of the Dragon 2 x 100gp  Experience Points 200xp from "treasure" Ja-Net charmed away from conflict 13xp Spitting Beetle defeated 25xp Player Character Cut 36 gp, 6sp, and 6cp ea. (16gp, 6sp, and 6cp to Sunya Strong) 48xp ea (24xp to Sunya Strong) Art, maps, and write-ups provided as play reports earn PC Level x 100xp. Let me know of any downtime activities anyone would like to perform.

Red Ridersof the Drinking Crow Session #79- From Stone To Flesh

 *Sessions 77 & 79 involved the Red Riders adventuring in the Black Pyramid and will be recapped when they return to Orm). "I doomed society for friendship." Bors the Bald The following session covered Bors the Bald traveling to the Twilight Shores with fellow patrons of the Drinking Crow. They aimed to strike a deal with the Eventide Queen to return Bors' comrade and Drinking Crow mascot Fredrick Featherstone back to living, breathing flesh years after being turned to stone by a monster from the Imperial Mother's holding pens. They made a very different deal instead. Here is the party from the session: Bex (Level 3 Vatspawn) Bors the Bald (Level 5 Dwarf) Sunya Strong (Level 4 Fighter hireling) Edouard 'The Human Grapping Hook' Thesz (Level 1 Grappling Berserker) Rumble Beerforged (Level 1 Dwarf) Here is what Bors wrote about the events in his journal (as provided by his player Shahnawaz): What have I done? Have I doomed the world? Or should I say have I h...