Red Riders of the Drinking Crow Sessions #81-85, 87-89, and 93- The Black Pyramid

 Back at the dawning days of autumn, a group of the Red Riders left from the Drinking Crow to journey into the Complex. They aimed to join a pair of lunar elves, Aureal and Ruitat, on their spiritual quest give to them by their Dreaming Tree: journey into the plane-hopping dungeon called the Black Pyramid. Visions of this foreboding structure had plagued the citizens of Orm for over a year. They grew more ominous and vivid with each passing day until it had materialized within the Great Cavern.

What would they find within the pyramid? The Red Riders that had lived among lunar elves had been told it contained wealth beyond their wildest dreams. More importantly, the structure was a spiritual trial that could result in profound understandings.

This view was not shared by others. The Phantomorians who had been staying at the Lazy River warned of the existential threat posed by the Black Pyramid. They preach that it is the embodiment of the left hand path that stands in opposition of their leader's sworn belief system: The Ivory Gleam. Most of their number left days before the Red Riders with designs to destroy the Pyramid.

Uncertain what waits them, the following party left for the Black Pyramid:

  • Armeen of the Two Rivers (Level 6 Cleric of Danu)
  • Copra Kaan (Level 6 Vat Spawn antaur)
  • Crambo (Level 5 Magic-User)
    • Agera (Level 3 Fighting Mutant retainer)
  • Fr. Bert (Level 5 Errant Friar of Arishma the Judge)
  • Petra P. (Level 3 Elf)
    • Avani (vat born dungeon terrier)

Session #81 Experience Points

  • Smoke Heads defeated 6 x 13xp
  • Spirit vanquished 1 x 175xp

Session #81 Player Character Cut

  • 63xp ea.
The magic-user Gil Wick by his (and Bludoon's) player Sam

After Session #81, the party was joined by a magic-user named Gil Wick. Gil was a traveler from another place or another time or both. After a night of quaffing down a libation of a brown ale variety called "Gassy Ghole", the medium found himself within a very different drinking establishment- a half completed one in the bowels of the Black Pyramid's Level 1. He encountered the adventuring party from Orm known as the Red Riders experimenting with a supply of unusual drinks. From there, the adventuring continued.

Sessions 82-85, 87-89, and 93 Treasure

  • 2400 platinum coins
  • A wands with an ivory hand carved in the space of a half human/half wolf (a wand of polymorph claimed by Gil)
  • Golden replica organs (liver, stomach, lungs, and intestines) 4 x 500gp ea.
  • Minotaur horns x 6
  • Scroll
  • Scroll
  • Universal solvent (claimed by Fr. Bert)
  • Sovereign Glue (claimed by Fr. Bert)
  • Lead jewelry set with valuable gems worth 600gp, 400gp, 750gp, 800gp, 100gp, and 500gp
  • Flasks of "reverse alchemical fluid" x 2 (claimed by Gil)
  • White leaves x 6

Sessions 82-85, 87-89, and 93 Experience Points

  • 17,150 xp from treasure
  • "Another Rostum" exercised 75xp
  • Undead crypt guardians defeated 2 x 400xp
  • Ember Evil, Guardian of the First Gate 580xp
  • Minotaurs slain and de-horned 3 x 275xp
  • Dwarven work crew members beaten 6 x 10xp
  • Sludge monster scrubbed out 500xp 

Sessions 82-85, 87-89, and 93 Player Character Cut

  • 369pp, 795gp 12sp, and 5cp (184pp, 399gp, 1sp, and 10cp)
  • 3331 xp ea. (1665 xp to Agera)
This was the state the party returned to an Orm in the swing of winter:
  • Armeen of the Twin Rivers (Level 5 Cleric of Danu)
  • Copra Kaan (Level 4 Vat Spawn antaur), unable to be healed
  • Crambo (Level 5 Magic-User)
    • Agera (Level 3 Fighting Mutant)
  • Fr. Bert (Level 5 Errant Friar of Arishem the Judge)
  • Gil Wick (Level 1 Magic-User), -1 Con havig just been revived in the Pool of Life
Write-ups, maps, and art submitted as session reports earn PC Level x 100xp. Let me know of any downtime activities anyone would like to take.
  • Petra P. (Level 3 Elf)


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