Red Riders of the Drinking Crow Session #80- "Deadly Perfume is a Beautiful Phrase"

 The party for this session was:

  • Bex (Level 3 Vat Spawn)
  • Bludoon (Level 4 Dwarf)
    • Sunya Strong (Level 4 Fighter hireling)
  • Edouard "Eddie Hook" "The Human Grapping Hook" Thesz (Level 1 Grappling Berserker)
  • Fredrick Featherstone (Level 4 Vestigater)
  • Scheherazade (Level 1 Paladin of Law)
Here is a recapping of events by Bludoon's player Sam:


  • 12 black fruits collected by Bludoon
  • Zombies in large burlap sacks sold to the Order of the Dragon 2 x 100gp 

Experience Points

  • 200xp from "treasure"
  • Ja-Net charmed away from conflict 13xp
  • Spitting Beetle defeated 25xp

Player Character Cut

  • 36 gp, 6sp, and 6cp ea. (16gp, 6sp, and 6cp to Sunya Strong)
  • 48xp ea (24xp to Sunya Strong)
Art, maps, and write-ups provided as play reports earn PC Level x 100xp. Let me know of any downtime activities anyone would like to perform.


  1. Replies
    1. Sam makes amazing recaps. I always love them but this one is a real help while I limit my computer time as I bring my arm back to top form.

  2. I'm excited for the next session.


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