Dungeon23 Week Two

Here are results from my second week of #dungoen23. I am thinking at the end of the month I will post the full map. As I work, though, I have been making smaller segmented ones that just focus on what I am creating for the week (though this map does have some placement of elements of the tunnel from last week's 1A-1). I hope my writing and under drawing in red lead doesn't make things too hard to read. It comes out much darker in the scan than in my journal. It is a hold over from my process from my comics. This week's map has hints of Twilight Age lore starting with the first room covering the session of Archwizards of the Transcendental Congress of the Aureate Precepts. Anyways, here are rooms 1A-8 to 1A-14:

Some Notes on Process

  • Room 1A-8 might be my favorite of #dungeon23 so far. It took a lot of a Sunday to complete but I had a fun time sketching up the assorted Archwizards. I have a feeling they will show up in other ways as I expand the dungeon.
  • It feels like there are a lot fewer sketches illustrating different parts of the rooms. Some of that might be related to me drawing a lot of little head portraits of assorted dungeon denizens but I think a lot of it is that I had less time to work on rooms with week and I am struggling with some continuing sleep issues.
  • Related to this, Dyson Logos mentions over in the first recap for one of his two (yes, two) #dungoen23 projects that he hopes that folks stick to the very short room descriptions of the original #dungeon23 mission statement. I, obviously, am not. I have rolled into this with very little of a plan and have just followed where my inspiration and daydreaming has been taking me. I, however, have been starting to struggle to keep up with the schedule. Not because I am low on ideas but because it has been been taking me at least an hour to complete an entry. 
  • Reminded by the name of Ben L.'s blog, I decided to give the Jack Vance story "Mazirian the Magician" a reread on the account that both that story and my dungeon have a wizard's garden in it. I was struck by how much the lower depths of Marizian's wizardly home are like a D&D dungeon. Somehow, I have never caught that been. Vance is pretty standard inspiration for this end of the D&D world. Sam, in his Week 2 recap, delves into some atypical sources of inspiration for a project like #dungeon23.
This drawing form the original Underworld Adventure
comic is my first use of the oil from the nostril gimmick
(but not my first dungeon with a face for an entrance). 


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