The Transcendental Congress of the Aureate Precepts

The Transcendental Congress of the Aureate Precepts, Ur-Dan's predominate and only body of magic-users, lives and dies by these rules:
  1. Seat holders of the Transcendental Congress shall not maliciously cause injury or death of a fellow assembly member.
  2. Seat holders of the Transcendental Congress shall be initiated into the body through the tutelage of a ranking member in one of the following foundational spells of 1st Level and swearing an oath to the Aureate Precepts.
  3. Seat Holders of the Transcendental Congress must serve as a mentor to any member seeking tutelage any of the 12 foundational spells of the 6 spell levels recognized by the legislative body guaranteed to members upon advancement to a new level in the Congress.
  4. Seat Holders of the Transcendental Congress must root out and put to an end any practice of the arcane arts performed by mortal spell magic-users who have not taken oaths upon the Aureate Precepts nor are bound by similar conventions governing arcane practices established by other arcane bodies of good standing. Said "putting an end" shall include through the seizing of such casters implements and texts, removal of tongue, gouging of eyes, ending of life, etc. (Fey casters are exempt from such penalties due to the articles of the sacred treaties of the Empire-That-Was and the Seven Courts recognized by the Transcendental Congress of Aureate Precepts).
  5.  The magical practice of "Illusionists" is below the practice of Transcendental Congress Seat Holders and their practitioners below the efforts of Congressional Members.
  6. Seat Holders in the Transcendental Congress shall not enter any Convents. Such practices are for witches, warlocks, and idolaters.
  7.  Seat Holders shall attend at least one of two formal sessions per year else be placed on probation. Probationers must attended both formal sessions the following year else the be stripped of their seat and banned from any unsupervised arcane practice.
  8. Seat Holders accused of violating any of these Precepts shall face the judgement of the Golden Assessor and give acceptance to any censuring or other penalties mandated by it.  

Buried in the collective memory of the Transcendental Congress of the Aureate Recepts is, somewhere, the knowledge of the wars between the Sorcerer Kings of epochs past and the revolution that brought them to their knees. The truth that the precepts, before they coruscated as law turned written word, where necessity. The kind of necessity used to save one's life or wielded as an tool to keep an practice facing extinction alive. With time, though, memories like that seem inconvenient when met with avarice and ambition. Instead of intention and consensus, the body that is the Transcendental Congress moves with contention and intrigue. It seems, in the face of the impending end of history, that even mediocre magic-users get hungry.


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