The Mischief Night Masque of the Rani
The Wolf's Head that replaced the doors to the Impossible Fortress' throne room this passed Mischief Night as drawn by PakPak's player Rob A. Mischief Night once again had come to Orm. Two years after a celebration went mysteriously wrong , the people of Orm were ready to return of to partaking in the pre-spiritual holiday revieres of the night traditionally entails. The homes of Orm were decorated with carved beets casting a dim glow from their candles. Wood for the bonfire near the Monument of the Old Gods was stacked high while the sacrificial animals for its fires were being selected. And, yes, Ormens donned their traditional papier-mâché masks and deep-hooded robes to costume themselves as spirits and demons. A select few of Orm's adventuring community received messages from the near-by Impossible Fortress. Each sealed with the manticore symbol of that fortification's ruler: the Rani. These missives noted how each of them had caught notice of the court of t...