Dragon Slayers of the Drinking Crow Session #38- The Oloth El'gg Ssuson Comes to Orm

 The party:

  • Bors Redbeard (Level 4 Dwarf)
    • Lefty Redbeard (Level 2 Dwarf retainer), deceased
    • Ferris (Level 1 Living Harness retainer)
  • Copra Kaan (Level 5 Vat Spawn)
  • Crambo (Level 3 Magic-User)
  • Malagath Finbaros (Level 3 Elf), deceased
  • Petra P. (Level 2 Elf)
    • Percy (Level 1 Acrobat retainer)

The Dragon Slayers of the Drinking Crow had emerged from 'The Complex' with their member Petra P revived from death but their longest standing member, Malagath Finbaros, was looking at losing a leg. Earlier that day, which had seemed like an eternity ago and a world away, Malagath had taken a spear to his upper leg. An artery had been severed. The tourniquet the party had put in place had kept him alive but his leg was looking to be a total loss.

In desperation, Bors Redbeard and Malagath bought a pair of jade drops (450gp and still in stock) from PakPak's ShopShop. Miraculously (or a 1-in-3 chance) the magical elidable reversed the muscle damage and saved the leg. Malagath, though, was not fully recovered. The elfin adventurer decided to hole up at the Drinking Crow and recuperate from the injury.

Similarly, most of Malagath's fellow Dragon Slayers decided to take it easy upon their return Orm. Bors Redbeard dropped off his new adventuring companion, the Living Harness known as Ferris, at the blacksmith to try to have Meag perform some repairs to damage they had taken. Then Bors, joined by the vat sawn antaur Copra Kaan, took a sword found in the lair of some were-lampreys to be identified at the Athenaeum. The results delivered by the Librarian Valtropis proved most surprising. The force Bors had wrestled with when he first touched the blade was an intelligence possessed by the magical artifact. Copra and Bors discussed these findings and decided to place the blade into Bors' care. Then, to, did these Dragon Slayers decided to rest up after the adventures across Ur-Dan.

The recently resurrected Petra and the recently retained Percy attempted to perform in the square near the Monument of the Old Gods all week. Their act, though, couldn't retain the attention of the citizens of Orm. See, their curiosity was also drawn away by the strange heavy cloud that had arrived in city-state along with the return of the Dragon Slayers. The cloud seemed to stay above the copse of untouched trees west of the Monument. Its color a deep grayish purple with pale reddish-orange highlights like the cloud was always caught in the setting of the tired red sun. The cloud would occasionally see lighting dance inside it. These flashes would startle on lookers away from Petra and Percy's circus act. While its shape was hotly debated, most felt it reminded them of a flower--like a rose.

The magic-user-turned-goblin Crambo knew the true nature of the cloud for he spent some of the week dancing above it on the deck of a Sunset Elf ship-- The Purple Rose. He and is fellow Dragon Slayers had sailed the currents of Ur-Dan with the vessels fey crew. Malagath Finbaros had struck a deal with its captain, Wild Thyme: carry the Dragon Slayers fast enough to Orm that Petra P. can gain new life from the Pool of Life and the crew will be paid with a hair from Lady Blackmarsh. Or, if not a hair, then Malagath would duel the Captain for his and Petra's life. The crew proved to be true scoundrels and a great bunch to lift a glass with to celebrate a successful quest with.

As the days moved one, messengers from the Twilight Shores hunted for Malagath Finbaros. The Lady Blackmarsh wanted to know why the elf had brought the crew all the way from the Sunset Prairies. Not in four generations had their ships sailed the sky above the Twilight Shore. Malagath did not show himself until the elfin squire Prick-o-Nails tracked him down to his apartment above the Drinking Crow. When the squire said the elf regent demanded an explanation for the disaster the adventurer courted with the breaking of the treaties between human being and elfin kind, Malagath dragged himself out of his room and towards the untouched copse of trees that served as the bridge between Orm and the Twilight Shores.

On the same day, Bors, too left his room. His brother Lefty, who had taken what seemed like a minor head wound while fighting the werelampreys, was struck dead mid-conversation with Bors. The dwarfin hero rushed from his room to buy a jade drop to try to save Lefty and track down his fellow Dragon Slayers. As Bors left the ShopShop, the air carried an unseasonal chill. Frost began to collect on the grass.

Bors was not the only one to notice, so did Malagath and Prick-o-Nails as the made their way passed the Wolves Den and down some stairs to get to the copse of trees. Malagath felt the bite of the wind and the frost on his breath. Prick-o-Nails could be heard saying, "Look what you brought by breaking ancient treaties: the Oloth El'gg Ssusson!"

Prick-o-Nails pointing hand could be followed to a terminus of a low-hanging mass, not unlike a star field, rolling towards Orm. With each inch it approached, the air became colder and the air thinner. This mass stalked as a hunter closing in on its prey- the Purple Rose.

It was the chilling bite in the air brought along by the Oloth El'gg Ssuson that woke Crambo. The his little polymorphed goblin body was curled up in a pile of rope, nestled around a stolen golden plaque. The faint hint of drink still danced in his head. The crew of the Purple Rose didn't have a chance. Before the had brought their dances to rest or removed a mug from their lips, the Oloth swoped down towards the deck. Crambo cast a spell, bringing flame to his hand. The first blast was a wild miss, the sheer awe of the monster's form caused Crambo err and set the rail of the air ship on fire. This accidently blaze was forgotten in what came next. As the Oloth moved across the deck, several elves it passed collapsed onto the ship. Then, the otherworldly beast opened a maw and a brilliant light blasted out from it. The air crackled as elves became blackened and burned before melting into stains on the deck. Only the ship's captain, Wild Thyme, survived. Even the rear tower of the vessel could not withstand the attack and began to melt.

A quartet of elfin crew members hurled harpoons at the Oloth El'gg Ssuson. Only one uncanny throw landed but a piece of the creature could be seen falling like a comet down towards the earth. Another elf asked Crambo to help them try to place a light spell to try to blind the behemoth but all Crambo could hear was the pleas of Wild Thyme to save him.

Down below, Crambo's allies could not see much. The dark mass, like a moon-less night sky moved around the airship while brilliant golden orange lights flashed above. As the gathered in the small valley where the untouched copse of trees sat, they were at a loss on how they could reach so far in the sky above. The people of Orm, those not too terrified to remain outdoors, gathered in the courtyard of the Wolves Den above. Just then, Crambo could be seen leading a quartet of the Sunset Elves' dragonfly mounts. As the giant dragonfly's land, Prick-o-Nails takes Wild Thyme over his shoulder and hustles towards the copse of trees.

The remaining Dragon Slayers climbed atop the insect mounts and flew towards the Purple Rose. Petra P. and Malagath, both who had flown tandem, landed on the air ships deck and began casting spells. Copra let loose an arrow that the Oloth El'gg Ssuson deftly out maneuvered. From the form of the Oloth, a pair of wicked tendrils shoot out towards the elves on the deck. Petra P.'s armor held true but another elf doesn't prove so lucky. With a final failed snap of its maw, the monstrosity arced away from the Purple Rose.

As the Oloth El'gg Ssuson moved in for another attack, Malagath and Petra let loose a pair of magic missiles. Explosions of light could be seen as they landed. Bors and Crambo hit (with Crambo's dagger carving a small piece away from the nebulous form of the creature) but this does not save more elves from dying. The Oloth glided along the deck, bringing a biting cold with it. The monster seemed to howl as it swallowed the air itself away from the deck. Two tendrils shot out from its form. One sparked as it bounced off of Malagath's armor. The elf beside her wasn't so lucky and blood spared on to her sequenced coat--freezing on to it. This time, the third targeted elf does not escape the maw of the Oloth El'gg Ssuson. As the elf rips apart, pieces of frozen viscera shatter against the ship's drift wood deck. Ice, made of the elf's blood, pelt Petra and Malagath.

The Oloth does not move in for another pass. No. Instead, it hovers above the deck of the Purple Rose. A star within its breast seems to collapse in a flash before a brilliant explosion comes crashing out and breaking the airship in half. The dragonfly riders all dodge a violent torrent of lightning bolts that come tumbling out of the shell of the wrecked ship. Orm, down below is not so lucky. The stables, west of the valley are stuck. So, too, is the townhouse of Matron Fiophone Starr. Both are set blaze. More shocking, though, is the bolt that crashed into the Monument of the Old Gods. A scar etched across the western faces. Several fall off into the square.

As the ship begins to tip in the sky, Malagath lets out a magic missile. This bravery in the face of dangers inspires Petra to do the same. Percy leads a dragonfly to rescue his employer but no one does the same for Malagath. Copra launches another missing arrow. Crambo tosses a errant dagger before bringing his mount below ship. He yells for Malagath to jump if he can. A torn Boris opts to take a flying attack at the Oloth El'gg Ssuson.

The ship tumbles from the sky too fast. Malagath has not time to jump onto Crambo's dragonfly. He makes a panicked grab for the mount as he falls but fails to save himself; falling to his death.

Burning with regret, Boris and Petra give chase west. The Oloth El'gg Ssuson attempts to evade but the pair are too dogged in their pursuit. As their swifter mounts catch up to the monster, it turns and a maw begins to form. Bors' new magic sword slices the maw from the body, causing a brilliant explosion causing the Oloth El'gg Ssuson to dissipate. Bors delcared the monster dead.

Some say that night can early that day. The bloated sun dipping below the horizon as the Oloth El'gg Ssuson tore apart under the weigh of Bors' blow. The earth rattled and shook. That, though, could easily have been the halves of the Purple Rose can crashing down onto Orm. The bow of the ship crashed into the untouched copse of trees. Their pristine boughs cracking as ancient trunks were ripped from the earth. The flaming hulk sending flames from tree to tree. Meanwhille, the stern fall into some of the ruins of Orm-of Old. Smoke was seen drifting up into the last rays of twilight as they faded.

The Dragon Slayers were too consumed by the death of Malagath to help with the fires. They raged. More of the city burned than should have as the citizen of Orm went to save the copse of trees first. Even with help from the Impossible Fortress arriving, the fight to save Orm fromthe flames lasted deep into the night. The effort so intense and consuming that no one saw the long ships slip into the harbor. Scavengers had come to pick from the remains of the destruction caused by the Oloth El'gg Ssuson. The scent of the death that foretells their arrival masked under the smell of smoke. By the time anyone had noticed the ships, their horn-helmeted crews had already slipped ashore. The red-eyed terrors called by some Night Raiders were here...

Player Character Cut

  • 675xp ea. (337xp to Percy)


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