A Missed entry in Bors' Journal
After the 20th session of the Drinking Crow crew's adventures, Bor's player Shahnawz delivered to me an entry in the dwarfin adventurer's journal that slipped past me. Here it is:
Bors’ Journal
Entry Thirteen:
It’s good to be back home. I had missed my brothers and Gabby. It is good to see Lefty so happy and relieved. The meeting was…interesting. They had paralyzed me with the carrion crawlers as a precaution before the meeting, I had complied as to not jeopardize anything and that it can be completed peacefully. That…mostly happened. The first thing I saw as the paralysis wore off was the Riverborn Scamandros stabbing Valtropis in the heart. I at first thought that the meeting went terribly, terribly wrong, but then none of Valtropis’ troops did anything offensive. Whatever the deal Scamandros and Crannoc made with Valtropis apparently involved his death.
After that affair was all done with, we decided since we were here anyway, might as well go into ‘the Complex.’ Copra Kaan had to pick up some beautifully made armor from the dragon we killed in the Market. While there, some of my dwarven brethren gave him some fruit, which was where we were headed next. When we got to the obsidian tree with the crystal fruit, I noticed some blood off to the side that seemed like it was draining into the tree. While my compatriots think that it was just that a skirmish happened nearby and the blood just drained that way, I think that perhaps this tree feeds on blood. To test this, we took some extra fruit from the tree to try and plant on the surface. If this tree sprouts, we could possibly have a non-dangerous source of healing. We might be able to make some fruit wine that can heal others. This tree will need to have protection around it, if it sprouts that is.
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