Burning Witch Adventurers Session #28- Return to Sourwood

For weeks, the quest against the Oloth El'gg Ssusson presented by Lady Blackmarsh herself has come been an item of curious discussion at the Burning Witch's communal tables. This week, though, the enterprising kobold PakPak decided to finally pull together a team to journey out into Sourwood Marsh to attempt the question. The following party were seen leaving Orm in the direction of Kêm as the embarked on their endeavor:

  • Fancy Jean-Yves Beauvillers (Level 1 Bard)
    • Turq and Turwin (Level 0 Men-at-Arms hirelings)
    • Glys (Level 0 Crossbow Woman hireling), deceased
  • Hate Pit (Level 2 Vat Spawn)
  • Journeyman Crannoc (Level 3 Magic-User)
  • PakPak (Level 3 Kobold)
  • Sergio Cankersore (Level 3 Half-Elf)
  • Scamandros (Level 3 Magic-User)
    • Kiddo (Level 1 Magic-User retainer)
The party discovered a cavern entrance into the King's Barrow where some unusual guards claimed that it was the home of "The Worthy".

The party returned to Orm, bearing Glys' body and an odd assortment of loot. Neither the Oloth El'gg Ssusson was slain nor was the body of the Margrave Quinus recovered.


  • 20sp (all stamped differently)
  • Assorted unusual objects from twenty alcoves:
    1. crude carved wooden horse figurine  (6 cp), tunic (14sp), 7ep, erotic cosmic being and woman print (5gp)
    2. 14cp, 15 tin knight figurines (1sp ea.), 8ep, strange tiny life-like picture of a cat on a flexible surface (10gp)
    3. a flexible black comb (15cp), 3 gallons of applejack (12sp), 11ep, a bronze wolf arm band (5gp)
    4. pouch of violet mushrooms (17cp), reflective headband (12sp), 4ep, delicately carved flute (8gp)
    5. 16 moon-shaped cookies with slips of paper inside (1cp ea.), a magnet (5sp), 5ep, decorative glass bottle with a fruit motif (5gp)
    6. 16 bear-shaped gummy morsels in assorted colors (1cp ea.), a box with 6 loose pieces of different colored chalk (6sp), scroll box with a ship/star motif (8gp), sealing wax (1gp), 10 blank sheets of parchment (1gp)
    7. 2 needles (10cp), quilted cape (8sp), 3ep, a gallon of mead (2gp)
    8. 13 coin-sized ridged disks with assorted images printed on one side (1 cp ea.), strange metallic whistle that makes a honking sound (14sp), 8ep, lewd pamphlet diagramming erotic acts involving gential-less goblinoids (6gp)
    9. 2 pieces of rice paper (5 cp. ea.), light weight neon green blanket (9sp.), 7ep., a copper skull with a moving jaw (5 gp)
    10. 16cp, 3 sticks of drawing charcoal (5sp ea.), 11ep, 1 serving-sized bottle of absinthe (3gp)  
    11. 1 adhesive face w/ tongue sticking out, neon green (16cp), 4  felxible cards from an a deck for an unknown game  (8sp), 4 ep, 1 short sleeved black tunic with the face of a tiger printed on it (6gp)
    12. 3 shell-shaped soaps that smell of lavender (12cp), 1 tiny life-like image of a nude woman (9sp), 6ep, tiger eye (4gp)
    13. 50 ft. of a bright pink twine (10cp), tiny glass with a fading measurement system printed on one side ( 7sp), 7ep, small chest (2gp)
    14. a 12"x 12" sheet of a clear substance covered in bubbles filled with air (14cp), a pewter cup (5sp), 2ep, a sheet of 10 adhesive stars that glow in the dark (6 gp)
    15. 3 black candles (9cp), wine velvet doublet (15sp), 9ep, 1 wolf carved form ivory (6gp)
    16. a pair of knee-high stockings that steady up of their own accord (16cp), a pocket-sized dispenser of mint-flavored floss (10sp), 2ep, black stockings with holes in their knees that stretch but maintain their shape (6gp)
    17. 1 sheet of a transparent paper-like material (10cp), a soft fabric duck wearing a top hat (14sp), a sealed bottle of a vibrant green liquid (4gp)
    18. a portrait of a baby with an exploding head (8 cp), a blue cape (9sp), 6ep, stockings that look like a pink to purple starfield that stretch but maintain their shape (8gp)
    19. a handful of swirling marbles (10cp), bright pink with black spots fur-like cap that is surprisingly light and breathable (12sp), 2 ep, a roll of 10 yrds. of a clear, adhesive material 1.88" wide (10gp) 
    20. 1/2 gallon of ale (10cp), tartan cloak (12sp), 4ep, 1 moon-shaped mask (10gp)

Experience Points

  • 201xp from treasure
  • "Kinda-vampires" defeated 4 x 50xp
  • 500xp ea. for visiting the King's Barrow.

Player Character Cut

  • 30gp, 9sp, 2cp ea. (minus 14gp for Kiddo's 1/2 share)
  • 566xp ea.
Any shared maps, art, or write-ups for the session earn 100 x PC level in xp. If anyone wants to buying anything from the loot haul, just buy it out from the items in the comments. Ditto for posting any downtime activities anyone wants to do.


  1. Let have a yard sale! Crannoc will buy the erotic print of the cosmic being and the pamphlet including the "gential-less goblinoids." -11gp. He'll also do a downtime of research, using Merdinus's book and others in the library, to learn more about the Imperial Mother.

    1. Roll 2d6+2 for your non-magical research.

  2. Scamandros will "buy out" the tartan cloak (12 sp) and bronze wolf armband (5 gp), meaning +1gp/+1sp to each comrade of the company, and +6 sp to Kiddo.

    As to downtime, Scamandros will attempt to cultivate a relationship with Banx, as she is the charter-holder of the 111th Company. He will seek her out and invite her to check out the library of the Athenaeum of the Dying Sun (she's an illusionist, surely there's something of interest in our magic-user library, yeah?--and, "Perhaps you can convince your employer, Hate Pit, to contract with us to identify their strange sword? I may be able to talk my associates into some kind of discount.")

    But the main angle of the interaction is this: "It grieves me greatly that I was one of the company that led Caledonensis of the 111th into the Complex, and that we were not even able to return his body after his demise down below. I even recall stating to him, as we made our way across the beach, that we would not be like those who had ventured just before, who returned sans any of their retainers; and I reassured him that we would try to return with everyone!
    "So! I declare this to you, sworn on my little buckler that serves as my floating disc (as the ancients said, 'Return with your shield, or on it!')--whenever I venture with members of your company, whether hired by me or others, I will do my utmost to return them alive and hale; but if circumstances turn dire, and lives are lost, still, I will strive ever more for the return of their bodies to their families, friends, or at least the company."

    (In this I'm generally angling more for better graces with the 111th Company and retainers, with Banx as their "figrurehead", rather than trying to get in good with Banx in particular.)

  3. Roll 2d6 modified by Scamandros' reaction bonus for your cultivate relationship roll.

  4. Pak Pak will snag the decorative glass bottle with a fruit motif (-5gp)

    He is going to try to research the journal in archaic common that was found a couple delves ago. He struggles. (rolled a 5)

    1. Vas will pay 10gp for the bottle but asks what has been happening on the jar sales front. It has been a while since PakPak has reported any moves there.

      As for the research, it is truly a struggle. He finds that the style of the journal is ponderous but also focused on pointless minute details which quickly leads to his mind wandering after a few sentences of its archaic common. This happens constantly. PakPak finds the fact that he can gleam that the journal belongs to some sort of treasure hunter naked Reith Carse, employed as a treasure hunter by a funds deficient institution of some kind, a victory.

  5. 10 total for Crannoc's research roll.

  6. The final chapters of Merdinus' book in fact deal with projects commissioned by the 34th Imperial Regents of the last dynasty of the Empire-That-Was. The projects, considered by Merdinus to be the last truly great public works undertaken, also seem to point towards the decline of the Empire. It seems Merdinus' parents even worked on these projects.

    The Imperial Mother herself, sometimes called the Peace That Lives, was an ambitious thinker. The work she did, bringing elfin kind and humanity to an understanding paved way for the decedent gardens of the resort towns that dotted Ur-Dan in the final epoch of the Empire-That-Was. The projects, while unabashed displays of wealth and power that served only political games of ego, also featured some of the most amazing feats of engineering of any aeon of the Empire.

    There is a picture of the Mother pushing her partner, Zotul the XXIX, to the great achievements of the age. There are hints of occult elements masterminded by the Imperial Mother in these projects but Merdinus seems much more interested in the management structures and work habits of the dwarven teams that worked under her than examining the arcane arts she deployed in her work. It is noted that she as a demanding employer but that she packed few surprises as a client. Those that worked for her found it easy to understand her expectations and reward well those that met them. There are footnotes marking works by the historian Homerinous and commentor Norovu as leads Crannoc could pursue further.


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