Bor's Latest Journal Entry

Here is the latest journal entry of Bors Redbeard as provided by his player Shahnawaz covering the latest dragon-slaying moves by the Drinking Crow adventurers:

Bors’ Journal
Entry eight:
        Dragon Slayers!!! That is what we are now! While checking up on Brother 47, we met some dwarves that needed to get gold as components to help fix their “flying ship” and mentioned that they knew where a huge horde of treasure was, the 2 catches is that they get a finder’s fee and that we’d have to kill a dragon and try and save their friend along the way. We decided that this is as good of a time as any to try and test our mettle.  With great planning from the Hero Malagath, Willow the Wisp’s terrier Mr. Fantastic was able to finally slay the beast, he certainly earned his name this day. With this haul, I might be able to help make the Drinking Crow expand and get more clientele! The Redbeard name with continue to grow!


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