Red Riders/Tyrant Slayers of the Drinking Crow Session #70- A Favor From the Imperial Mother

Following the defeat of the Eye of Terror,  the adventurers based out of the Drinking Crow had hired out the Phantomorians to hold the Pool of Life so no other adversarial forces could claim it. They also have hired out the Midnight Marauders to deliver the weighty 1800gp per week fee to the Phantomorians on the 2nd Level of the Complex. This first week, though, following the multi-pronged campaign saw the group planning to return to that very area. One of their stalwart members, the errant friar Fr. Bert, had been turned to stone by a ray shot by one of the Eye of Terror's eyes.

On this return delve, the group would be down Bludoon. The dwarfin chef has decided to dedicate his time to feeding the orphans of Orm while Bert is incapable of the task. In addition, Armeen's retainer Jubal has decided to retire. This brush with death delivered by the Eye of Terror while his employer was ensorcelled into the monster's service was too much for him. Jubal had developed a real faith that Armeen would always be there for him ever since the party rescued the beast master from imprisonment by the Cave Elves. This last encounter shattered that faith. Instead, Jubal is going to hang up his Dancing Sword and take his gold earned in adventuring to return to his passion of dog grooming.

The remaining party concocted a plan to try to trade their victory over the Eye of Terror into relief for Bert from the Imperial Mother herself. They loaned the Grim Reminder from Bors Redbeard to transport Fr. Bert. The following party then headed off towards 'The Complex':  

Following Party:

  • Armeen (Level 5 Cleric of Danu)
  • Copra (Level 6 Vat Spawn Antaur)
  • Crambo (Level 4 Magic-User)
    • Agera (Level 2 Fighting Mutant)
  • Kobys (Level 1 Lunar Elf)
The party returned to the surface with Fr. Bert once again flesh. They dynamic had returned to its usual spirited nature. Armeen and Bert were fermenting debate as to a name change to the group once again. Armeen proposing that they adopt the name "Tyrant Slayers" over what he argues is the many authoritarian foes they have bested while Fr. Bert just enjoyed the ring of "Red Riders".
Later, Armeen composed a letter to influential Magi Naztab of Faith of Danu. Here is the recounting of the session's event as seen through Armeen's Letter:

From Armeen of the Twin Rivers

Dear Magi Naztab,

We and the other groups have caused more upheaval than I imagined we would, as

there were signs of great change and a bit of anarchy going on. We were on a mission,

however, so we could not investigate things that piqued our interests.

When we reached where the Phantomorians were stationed, we spoke with them

for a little bit about treasure from the Eye’s office, we split it in a fair way and put the petrified

body of Father Bert on Bors’ Grim Reminder and headed to Imperial Mother. There was little

incident getting to her. When we did, she recognized with fondness one of our members,

Crambo, who was the main face of the party during the negotiations. I do find it funny though,

Copra and I were bickering a little during these talks, and the Imperial Mother had the look of “Did

these guys really take down the Eye?” I think this is the folly of all authoritarians, they are so

sure of their own way that they do not feel the need to confer with others. And this is why she

and her faction was never able to bring down the Eye of Terror, even though she has access to

powerful magics that can overwhelm anything we can do, yet all she has faced was failure. It’s

with the wit of all of us combined that we were able to take down such a formidable foe.

With all that said, we were able to convince this authoritarian (who, seeing our track

record of overthrowing cruel leaders, might have to take down sometime in the future) to make

Father Bert back into flesh. With that, I breathe a sigh of relief as my friend is back. I am unsure

if this experience has made him want to not adventure anymore, as my loyal retainer Jubal has,

or if he will continue on with us. We shall see.

With kind regards,

Armeen of the Twin Rivers

P.S. I am almost to the level of a Magi, when I do, I will just take the name Magi Armeen.


  • A potion of treasure finding
  • A potion of diminution
  • A potion of the distilled delusions of the Eye of Terror (which Armeen is very eager to drink)
  • 340gp in gems

Experience Points

  • 340xp from treasure

Player Character Cut

  • 95gp 6sp 2cp ea. (42gp and 5sp to Agera)
  • 85xp ea. (42xp to Agera)
Write-Ups, maps, and art offered as play reports earn PC Level x 100xp. Let me know of any downtime activities anyone wants to engage in.


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