Burning Witch Adventurers Session #91- Lost Adventurers Returned

 The following party was seen exiting the Athenaeum of the Dying Sun covered in dirt, leaves, and sweat transporting a bright pink-skinned naked being in a wheelbarrow:

  • Fancy Jean-Yves Beauvollier (Level 6 Bard)
  • GaWoosh (Level 4 Gnome)
  • Journeyman Crannoc (Level 5 Magic-User)
  • Wolfgang (Level 4 Duelist)
As to what this group was up in the weeks since they went missing, curious souls will have to ask them directly. All that is known is that the group, especially Fancy, are very concerned about the missing Peaches, Freedom, and dogs from there delving party. Observant onlookers have taken note that Wolfgang is especially involved in the care of this indugent being in the wheelbarrow. The duelist may find their attentions spilt as his superiors at the Wolves Den are not too pleased with his multiweek absence at no notice. They claim it jeopardized fights for the Festival of Flowers.

Write-ups, art, or maps submitted as play reports for the session earn 100 x PC Level XP. Let me know of any downtime activities anyone would like to partake in. It should be noted that the Festival of Flowers is currently taking place. 


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