"What Have You Been Up To All This Time" Results Pt. 2

Here are the extended downtimes for characters controlled by Ben and Cullen.

Ben- Phasmo and Lirazil Take Refugee in the Twilight Court

In the comments to the original "What Have You Been Up To All This Time?" post, Ben presented the following scenario for the magic-user Phasmo and his retainer Lirazil:
Phasmo and Lirazel spend the time in the Twilight Shores, where they are granted a temporary amnesty by Lady Blackmarsh despite Lirazel's heritage. In the Twilight Shores, Phasmo studies the urns and boxes from the Tomb of the Third Warden to master the ritual required to banish the Oloth El'gg Ssusson. While he is there he also draws on elvish lore to understand its nature better. Meanwhile, Lirazel haltingly, with stubborn hesitation at times, tries to establish some kind of connection with her kind. Mechanical effects: Phasmo learns the ritual to banish the Oloth El'gg Ssusson and learns something more about its nature. Failure: Lirazel offends the Court of Lady Blackmarsh and she and Phasmo are banned forever from the Twilight Shores. Success: Lirazel finds a place for herself and is welcome to return again.

Phasmo Researches the Oloth El'gg Ssuson

Phasmo carefully studies the artifacts from the tomb of the Third Warden. He learns the proper arrangement of the shiny black candles, application of ash of mistletoe, deployment of alchemical salts, and incantation essential to the ritual to banish the Oloth El'gg Ssuson when it is held with silver chains within its "lair". The chains must be a Splendid Item forged by a master craftsperson. Phasmo can now perform the ritual once he has obtained the chains but further research could be performed to gain insight to elements that would grant him bonuses to the executing it. Phasmo may roll 2d6 modified by 1/2 his magic-user level on the table below:

Phasmo Researches the Oloth El'gg Sssuson

2d6 Roll





Phasmo's research into elfin lore paints a picture of an unrelating terrible force that was once a star sacred to the elves turned their worse enemy. The bleak depictions of the Oloth as a desperate entity in its final days and its incredibly vivid descriptions of the destruction creates a superatural fear within Phasmo. The magic-user will roll 2d6-2 (success on 7+) on his attempts to perform the binding ritual as his focus will be spilt between the ritual and battling awful dread.



Phasmo gains a practical mastery of the ritual to bind the Oloth El'gg Ssuson. He can perform the ritual by rolling 2d6 (success on a 7+). The elfin lore Phasmo uncovers, while aiding in mastery of the ritual, is more colorful rather than helpful in the magic-user's endeavors.



Phasmo uncovers a secreted away collection of forbidden texts in the bowels of Lady Blackmarsh's fort. The heretic writings present that would one provide the the Oloth El'gg Ssuson with something of great power to feed and direct it towards place where it may shine again to nurture some people towards greatness while performing the ritual, that the Oloth El'gg Ssuson would go willingly requiring no roll at all. While greater research is needed to perform the ritual under such circumstances, Phasmo's current understanding allows him to perform the ritual  rolling 2d6 (success on a 7+).

Lirazil Seeks Refuge Among the Twilight Court

Reluctantly calling upon obscure guarantees within the treaties that empowered the Court of the Twilight Shores and exiled the Court of the Radiant Thorn, Lirazil is able to earn temporary relief for Phasmo and herself. During this time, Phasmo is free to research the ritual for banishing the Oloth El'gg Ssuson with out worry of harassment of the Crooked Hand (who he is certain seek him after his betraying them during the sacking of Orm). To determine how it goes for Lirazil, roll 2d6 modified by her reaction roll bonus on the table below:


2d6 Roll





 it proves a miserable experience for Lirazil. Her attempts to connect the fey beings of the Twilight Shores are awkward and cold due to the grief she carries. They bring a pain and somberness to the court to the point that rumors that her presence draws the Twilight Shores one step closer to Midnight begin to take a feverish hold over the courtiers and hanger-ons of Lady Blackmarsh. Lady Blackmarsh sees in these rumors an attempt to depose here form power by quickening the end of her on the throne. For such an affront, Lady Blackmarsh decrees that the sacred rites invoked by Lirazil have fulfilled the obligation of the Court of the Twilight Shores to the forebears of the Radiant Thorn with the refugee of Lirazil and Phasmo. The pair are then unceremoniously expelled from the Twilight Shores and elves of the Radiant Thorn and their friends never again are welcome to venture to that realm.



Lirazil finds herself adrift among the Court of the Twilight Shores. She holds too much against those that sit where her forebears once did. She finds it much easier to be with the marooned survivors of the Purple Rose. They need help finding their place among Lady Blackmarsh's people and the elfin regent finds Lirazil etiquette more appealing than the foreign ways of the Sunset elves. Lirazil establishes herself within Blackmarsh's court as bridge between the two. Lirazil is now free visit the Twilight Shores on the Sunset Elves behalf but must spend a downtime a month advocating for them within the Court of the Twilight Shores. 



With the crashing of the Purple Rose and the attack of the Oloth El'gg Ssuson, found Lady Blackmarsh's court with heavy hearts as they creep one tick closer to midnight. The grief reminded Lirazil of the displacement of her own kin from the realm of the fey. Her nostalgic remanences comforted the court who called more and more for her songs of old and tales of what was. These eventually led to Phasmo and Lirazil being sent off with a grand fete like when the Radiant Thorn shown a light upon the elfin shore. Lirazil is free to return to the Twilight Shore but must spend a downtime doing so entertaining the court. She can spend a downtime in the Twilight Shores and 1d6x1000gp having a fete like in the day of the Court of the Radiant Thorn to stave off an advancement of a tick towards Midnight and the rule of its Nightmare Court.

Cullen- Kiddo and Ngorome

Cullen has presented two extend downtime activities for his magic-user PCs Kiddo and Ngorome.

Kiddo and Hoggal Abrockel

Cullen's now-deceased PC, Scamandros, had established a Inconsequential institution known as Riverwine. With Scamandros' death, the magic-user's apprentice Kiddo made the jump to player character. Under the original "What Have You Been Up To All This Time?" post, Cullen presented the following downtime as Kiddo assumed control over Riverwine:

After Scamandros' *annihilation*, Kiddo took over complete responsibility for his Riverwine shop. Fortunately, this establishment was not far from the Athenaeum that Scamandros had also helped establish, and (as I recall) that section of Old Orm was successfully defended during the sack. In times of uncertainty, people drink, or use strong drink as makeshift currency, and so Kiddo was able to keep afloat, but she needed help. Hearing about the rumrunners to and from Bog's hollow, therefore, she reached out to certain halflings in town; making business overtures (legitimate! at least at first) with the intent to Cultivate a Relationship with a moonshiner in the Holler, old Hoggal Abrockel, perhaps to give him and his sons and nephews a more legitimate endstop for their 'shine ...

Kiddo is to roll 2d6 on the table below. For every 250gp (maximum of 750gp) she spends over that, she gains a +1 to the roll (maximum of +3). For Riverwine to maintain operating, Kiddo must spend every other downtime on its operation. It earns her 25gp per month.

Kiddo Goes Into Business With Moonshiners

2d6 Roll





Kiddo is able to keep Riverwine afloat but only through a partnership with Hoggal Abrockel. The halfling seems difficult to win over with the two achieving the only relationship of Acquaintances (per the Cultivate Relationship rules). Regretfully, for this this new partnership to strengthen, Kiddo must gain his trust by dealing with outstanding business Abrockel has with the Bitterleaf family. The Bitterleaf's have threatened Abrockel with the exposing of his operation back in Bog's Hollow if something isn't done to aid in Tobi Bitterleaf being appointed tax collector in Orm in three months time. The exposure of the Abrockel operation would prove a blow that Riverwine could not recover from.



Kiddo and Hoggal Abrockel enter a mutually beneficial business relationship that keeps Riverwine afloat. Working together during the tough times of Orm's reconstruction forms a bond between the two making the Associates.



Kiddo and Hoggal Abrockel have achieved the status of Associates on their relationship clock. Their business partnership has been a boon to Riverwine as Hoggal's moonshine has gained a following in Orm. Riverwine advances one level has an institution and gains the employ of 1d3 of Hoggal's family. They reduce Kiddo's obligation to Riverwine, requiring her to only spend one downtime per month on the institution.

Ngorome Gets A Job

For his other player character, Cullen wants to find his neophyte Ngorome employment within the Impossible Fortress.

As for Ngorome ... a would-be-scholar, his only real skill or spell being *read languages*, he attempts to make a place for himself as an actual scholar. He petitioned the Rani to take service in the peripheries of her court, where the translation of documents or ancient works in old languages would make himself valuable as a clerk. In this, he would potentially have Cultivated a Relationship with someone in the Rani's palace, with whom he would work in this capacity--or perhaps gained a Rival who coveted such a position, and is venomous about the competition even if they succeeded in beating Ngorome to it??

For his extended downtime, Ngorome will be placed as a clerk within the Impossible Fortress.  is to roll 2d6 + for every additional language he knows beyond common & alignment to discover his place as a clerk within the Rani's court. Further rules on the position will be forthcoming: 

Ngorome Works as a Clerk

2d6 Roll





Ngorome lands a position working under the Impossible Fortress' steward Merdinus translating documents and texts related to the ancient treaty between the elves of the Twilight Shores and the people of Orm. A fellow neophyte in the Transcendental Congress of the Aureate Precpts Tomenia the Revealer covets the position and works to win it from Ngorome. This venomous competition sees Ngorome's time in court fraught with peril. In addition, Ngorome has access to materials that allow him to do non-magical research on the treaties.



The bilbognost of the Impossible Fortress, Cevan, employs Ngorome to translate ancient texts long buried in the archives of the Rani. He performs modestly gaining little notice from the keep's court.



Ngorome is taken into the service of Cevan the Bilbognost translating works form the Impossible Fortress' library. As a favor to a member of importance among the Rani's court, Ngorome has translated texts of a personal interest to them. Roll 1d6 to see who Ngorome now has started a relationship clock in the "1 o'clock" postion: 1.) Merdinus the Steward, 2.) Lady Valoris the youngest of the Rani's wards, 3.) Emissary Volver of Barbasso, 4.) The court wizard known as The Enchantress, 5.) Mord the Red, a high ranking knight and relative of Merdinus, 6.) The Rani herself

Regardless of the outcome, Ngorome now has the job of "clerk" within the Impossible Fortress. He is paid 5gp per month and is obligated to spend one downtime a month performing his courtly duties. Once per each level Ngorome gains, he may spend a downtime to attempt to advance his position within the court.


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