Dragon Slayers of the Drinking Crow Session #41- Taking the Bull By Its Horns

 The Dragon Slayers much of the week after the Summer Solace around a table at the Drinking Crow ruminating on their growing intelligence about the Eye of Terror while their newest member,  Amu Iben, spent time trying to track down some poison. With Amu needing more time to work his supply connects, the following party decided to return to the Complex is search of coin:

  • Amu Iben (Level 1 Half-Elf)
    • Rex (Level 1 Ne'er-Do-Well retainer)
  • Copra Kaan (Level 5 Vat Spawn)
  • Father Bert (Level 2 Errant Friar of Arisham the Judge)
  • Petra P. (Level 2 Elf)
Records show they paid 249gp, 2sp, and 2cp in taxes at the Iron Door. Among their number were a pair of gnomes, Flynn Little and Merry Havillin. The hill dwarves only part ways with the Dragon Slayers after they collected a share of proceeds of the treasure sales. Amu quickly broke off from the party to return to his acquisition of poison. Copra Kaan was seen sporting a new set of bull-like horns.

The following note had found near the Dragon Slayer’s table at the Drinking Crow covered in the ichor of a vat spawn and the blood of a minotaur:

Copra Kään’s To-Do List:

-Enter The Complex. 
-Kill a couple Eye-of-Terror Vat-Spawn soldiers. 
-Kill a couple evolved ape-men Eye-of-Terror guards. 
-Hide in a room and heal. 
-Install some new eyes to see the truth in the darkness. 
-Team up with a couple gnomes. 
-Make a plan. 
-Kill a Minotaur. 
-Get some new horns. 
-Find A LOT of the crudely-drawn goblin porn magazine known as HobGobblers.
-Kill some more guards. 
-Watch Petra slay an amoeba with a Magic Missile. 
-Pay the stupid tax on the way out. 


  • 22sp
  • Necklace worth 1000gp
  • Nose ring worth 1000gp
  • 49 issues of Hobgobler magazine (worth 10gp ea. to the Right Buyer)

Experience Points

  • 2242xp from treasure
  • Vat Spawn foot soldiers of the Eye of Terror defeated 3 x 10xp
  • Vat Spawn gorilla guards of the Eye of Terror killed 2 x 15xp
  • Tormano the Minotaur speared to death and de-horned 1 x 275xp
  • Suck cloud destroyed by magic missile 1 x 10xp

Player Character Cut

  • 321gp 3sp and 7cp ea. (one share to the gnomes and 146gp 6cp to Rex)
  • 646xp ea. (323xp to Rex)
Player submitted write-ups, art, or maps reporting on the session earn PC Level x 100xp. Let me know if anyone but Amu or Rex wants to take a downtime activity.

Rex Finds the Right Buyer

Amu tasked his retainer, the ne'er-do-well Rex, with finding the right buyer for the 49 issues of Hobgobler magazine that composed the stash of crudely drawn goblin porn the Dragon Slasher discovered in the quarters of Tormano. Rex finds success in selling the collection for 490gp to an emissary of the Barbassi government-in-exile named Volver. Through the sale, Rex develops a patron relationship for his employer Amu with Volver set in the first clock position. Volver has an interest in erotic art, theater, and exotic beverages (especially teas). These interests can put him in rivalry with both Margrave Quinus' collecting of wines and Lady Valoris' interest in fashion-related items and unusual literature. Rex and Amu are able to sell items appealing to these interests to Volver without spending a downtime.

Amu Iben Acquires Poison

The Dragon Slayers have been looking to poison the supply of alcohol the gnomes Tipsy Tom and Petunia make for the forces of the Eye of Terror. To this end, Amu Iben has been working with the halfling rat catcher, Samuelson Sneakfoot, that supplies the Drinking Crow with its rat poison. It took a couple of weeks for Samuelson to squirrel away enough does out from under the eyes of the Rani's tax agents (who strictly control the sales of poisons through taxation) but he is able to deliver 10 doses of poison to Amu for 10gp each. The poison, when ingested by humanoids, has a 80% of being detected. The imbiber gets a +6 to their poison save. On a successful save, they take 10 points of damage. On a failed save, they take 20 points of damage. The poison take effect in 2d4 rounds.


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