The adventurer known as Abraxas once lived in the the upper levels of the dungeon underworld known as 'The Complex' as a part of a community known to outsiders as 'The Tribe' (and to themselves as the Children of Peroma). These tribefolk manage to eek out a sustainable existence in these ruins of a grand failed endeavour fishing in cavern pools, collecting assorted yeasts and fungus, and gathering fruits that grow in impossible cavern groves. Tribal lore speaks of how the Children of Peroma were once trapped in the Great Darkness but the tribe ascended to their current place in Peroma.
Central to their current way of life is the pillar-like white altar dubbed 'Transmorgifah'. Each member of the Tribe discovers their true self through a coming-of-age ritual centered around surviving a night at the foot of the altar unlocking the insight carried in the waves of Transmorgifah. After that night, tribe members believe their body is changed (i.e. mutated) to reflect its true reality, obscured by the remnants of darkness until ‘Transmorgifah’ reveals to them deeper truths. The Children of Peroma know of other revental locations in this life giving and death granting underworld that possess other transformative powers.Roll on the below table to determine the composition of any group form the Tribe encountered.
Who is this Child of Peroma? |
D20 Roll | Name | Mutation |
1. | Agera | Hollow Crest- A long and hollow crest swoops up from their nasal cavity to the back of their head. The mutant is able to move air through the crest to make horn-like calls. |
2. | Alethea | Fur- Their body grows a thick fur granting a +2 to saves related to the cold. Roll 1d6 to find out the appearance of the fur: (1) deep blue, (2) pale yellow-white, (3) vibrant red-orange, (4) blue gray, (5) shimmering translucent white, (6) roll twice for a tortoiseshell combination (tortoiseshell mutants are sterile). |
3. | Antrhopo | Tentacles- Instead of fingers, the mutant has a series of small tentacles. |
4. | Bythus | Phorerspcent eyes- These glowing eyes grant darkvision of 60’. |
5. | Ecclesiason | Extra arms- 1 extra attack per round at -2. Unable to wear armor that is not custom made. |
6. | He-Don | Forked Tongue- Allows them to smell in 3-D granting them the ability to track prey or potential mates with a 2-in-6 chance. |
7. | Logis | Third eye- Can Detect Magic 1/Day similar to the spell. |
8. | L-Pis | Clayface- Face can be molded to take on a different appearance in a way similar to how one molds clay. |
9. | Macara | Unusual skin color- Roll 1d8 to find out which color: (1) turquoise, (2) vermillion, (3) puce, (4) jade, (5) indigo, (6) fuschia, (7) goldenrod, (8) violet. |
10. | Mixus | Horn- A bold horn is placed in the center of the mutant’s forehead. It does 1d4 damage (2d4 damage if the mutant charges). |
11. | Mono-gene | Crest- A fanny crest can force an unintelligent animal enemy to make a morale check once per combat. |
12. | N-Oea | Acidic Spit- Can make a range attack with their spit 3/times a day. Range is 15’ and the attack does 1d4 damage. |
13. | Para Cletus | Opposable Flippers- Hands and feet are sets of opposable flippers that allow for normal movement rates in water. |
14. | Pistes | Glowing Dome- The edges of the mutant’s head can give off a bluish glow (10’ radius) caused by a fluorescent green protein. |
15. | Sir Mo | Storage stomach- The mutant possesses a second stomach that can be used for storage (about the size of a small sack). |
16. | Sofee | Telepathy- 3/Day |
17. | Synous | Telekinesis, Weak- 3/Day |
18. | Tatin | Sixth Sense- Surprise only on a 1-in-6 chance. |
19. | Veeta | Temporal Displacement- The mutant can cause a brief temporal fluctuation granting a +2 AC for 1 round. It can be extended at the cost of 1 HP/rd. |
20. | Zo | No mutation. |
All members of the Tribe travel armed with a spear or hand axe and a dagger. They are frequently garbed in strange hides of dungeon beasts or clothing woven from fibers from fruit trees they tend. Their skin can often be smeared with a paste that protects against dangerous yeasts. In addition, roll on the following table for what else they may carry.
What did the Mutant Have on Them? |
1d20 | Item(s) |
1. | An assortment of ancient coins 1d20 sp and 1d10gp |
2. | A broad, deep red leaf containing 2d4 uses of a strange organic paste. It protects from the carnivorous yeasts. |
3. | 2d3 freshly caught cave fish. |
4. | A jar of a yellow-brown yeast. It is nutritional. |
5. | A bunch of 1d4 fruits with a reddish-purple peel. The vibrant purplish-white fleshy inside double natural healing every day a fruit is eaten. |
6. | A small bladder filled with a mild acid (1d4 damage for 2/rds). |
7. | 5d20 beads made of bone. |
8. | 1d4 torches |
9. | A saw made from some sort of chitinous leg. |
10. | A phosphorescent mushroom with a stalk handle. Will provide torch-like light for the next 2d6 hours. |
11. | A sack of 2d12 small worms with w/ pointed tails. |
12. | A flute carved from the bone of an unknown creature. |
13. | A thumb-sized metallic cylinder hanging from a leather strap. There is small writing on one side. |
14. | A bright, primary-colored helmet made of an unknown material. It is a bit scuffed up. |
15. | A prism made of a red crystalline material. |
16. | A rolled up mat made of inter-woven leaves. |
17. | A pet snake. |
18. | A skin filled with a sour, dark wine. |
19. | A shield made of a stretched, striped lizard hide (AC +1) |
20. | An assortment of quartz fragments worth 2d20gp. |
When parties seek information (either through friendly conversation or interrogation) from a group of Tribe members, roll on the following table for the rumor received:
What rumor of the dungeon does the Tribe member pass along? |
D8 roll | Rumor |
1. | They tell of the current decree the shaman of the Tribe uses to direct the Childrens’ endeavours. |
2. | They inform the party about the newest resident to the dungeon complex (as glimpsed in the market of the Brothers). |
3. | They divulge the newest ambush spot used by the kobolds in the North caves of Level 1. |
4. | They disclose the location of a project currently being undertaken by the Brothers. |
5. | They gossip about the state of the forces of the Eye of Terror they have had recent dealings with. |
6. | They dish about a strange or unexpected relationship between two dungeon factions. |
7. | They reveal an element of the dungeon that is currently taxing their food supply. |
8. | They share the general location of a place of transformative power within the dungeon. |
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