Dragon Slayers of the Drinking Crow Session #37- Return to Orm

 It was before the celebration of the Procession of the Old Gods that the adventurers based out of the Drinking Crow had booked pass out of Orm. They were in pursuit of their former ally Zamir "Big Time" Hashmi and the adamantine-plated statue of the Overlord Zotul he had swindled away from them (more specifically, the great hero Malagath). No one had seen the party return so it was a shock to see them walking out of the untouched copse of tress off of the main square. They looked like they had been through a lot and it looked like their numbers had grown with the addition of two retainers: a masked acrobat named Percy and a suit of sentient armor named Ferris. Magalath was seen limping behind the rest of his fellows as Ferris carried the deceased Petra P inside his armor and the rest of the group carried coins and a large, flat object covered in cloth to the loan bank. After that, the following part made their way, without stopping by the Drinking Crow, straight for the cliff-face entrance into 'The Complex':

  • Bors Redbeard (Level 5 Dwarf)
    • Lefty Redbeard (Level 2 Dwarf retainer)
    • Ferris (Level 1 Living Harness retainer)
  • Crambo (Level 3 Magic-User)
  • Copra Kaan (Level 5 Vat Spawn)
  • Malagath Finbaros (Level 3 Elf)
  • Petra P. (Level 2 Elf), deceased but resurrected
    • Percy (Level 1 Acrobat retainer)
  • Willow the Wisp (Level 4 Illusionist)
The party returned from 'The Complex' a few hours later with a resurrected Petra. The rest of the party looked even further worse for the wear. Malagath, epsecially pale and battered. His left leg, wrapped in a tourniquet, was covered in the pearl-like goo of the Pool of Life. His leg remained unhealed and with time becoming short for the Bors-dubbed 'Hero' to save the leg...

Experience Points

  • Vat Spawn Guards of the Eye of Terror defeated 11 x 50xp
  • Gorilla Folk vat tech defeated 1 x 50xp

Player Character Cut

  • 85xp ea. (85xp to Percy and 42xp ea. to Lefty and Ferris)
Write-ups, maps, or art related to the session earn PC Level x 100xp. We will discuss downtime (and if it is going to be take) at the start of tonight's session. 


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