Dragon Slayers of the Drinking Crow- Session #28- Casing the Joint

 Malagath Finbaros emerged from two weeks from the arcane work of crafting a new spell. The product of such work--a fey hex of the primary level that reduces or enlarges the size of a creature or object--was dubbed "Biggie Smalls" by the vat born Copra Kaan to Malagath's objections. In the time it took for Malagath to research the new spell, his fellow Dragon Slayers were up to a variety of tasks. Petra P., now wearing a coat covered in sequence and a top hat, worked with the elephant she seemed to be able to bring to life by twisting one of the tusks on the statue she now possessed. Willow the Wisp traveled off to study under her mentor to master a new illusionist spell- Hypnotic Pattern! Copra was seen palling around Orm with the white-robed formerer Complex-Dweller Dwerleiro as they performed all matter of thrilling challenges to test Copra's recently acquired monster parts. When not with the half-elfin researcher, Copra was about town acquiring an odd assortment of items including a funerial shroud, a tarp, and a cart. All strange goings on indeed.

When the party gathered once again around their favorite table at the Drinking Crow, their conversations were hushed. Some might venture to say that they had an air of plotting to them. When the magic-user turned goblin Crambo arrived, he shared news of an impending meeting between several of the adventurers from the Burning Witch and Valtropis the Sorcerer-King's forces. This caused a flurry of activity at the table that lead to the following party hurrying north, towards the ruins entrance into 'The Complex' with Dwerleiro in tow:

  • Copra Kaan (Level 5 Vat Spawn)
  • Crambo (Level 1 Magic-User)
  • Malagath Finbaros (Level 3 Elf)
  • Petra P. (Level 1 Elf)
  • Willow the Wisp (Level 1 Illusionist)
When the party returned, a mere hour later, they were covered in blood and soot. Dwerleiro's face was pale. The on-loan researcher seemed visibly shook. The group broke early for the night and headed off to an early rest.

The following slip of paper, displaying a bloody fingerprint on the bottom right corner, was found near Copra Kaan's wagon:

Copra Kään’s To-Do List:

-Meet an asshole (Flimflam). 
-Stick up for my new friend. 
-Watch (and DEFINITELY not participate in) that asshole meeting with an accident. 
-Dismantle a trap. 
-Mourn the loss of one goblin hand-piggy :(. 
-Meet another asshole (Motar). 
-Clean up a mess (that we DEFINITELY didn’t create). 
-Remove a trap. 
-Plan a heist for the ages!


  • One 10' long 'invisible' wire strung between two eyelets.

Experience Points

  • Staging an "accident" for the researcher Zanxan 1 x 125xp

Player Character Cut

  • 25xp ea.
Write-ups, drawings, or maps from the session are worth 100 x PC Level XP. There is no opportunity for downtime after this session as the group plans to act the next day in-game.


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