Mischief Night- Bors Redbeard's Vision
Bors Redbeard having previously made several spiritual exercises, had a vision when he successfully made his Save vs Spells on Mischief Night. The following vision, per the request of Bors' player Shahnawaz, has been relayed to other PCs by the dwarf:
The great room of the Drinking Crow dims. The common table before Bors Redbeard remains bright and warm. Those that are joined around it are his comrades and brothers. Later, Bors will reflect on how those gathered weren't his fellow Dragon Slayers or his siblings Lefty and Whiskers yet he felt the warmth and safety of family while among them. They all worked towards shaping the space beyond their feast. The space in the darkness. As they drank and ate, the table was alive and merry. Bors, though, felt something weighing in the back of his mind. There is something they had forgotten.
The hill dwarf next to him turns to speak. Bors knows him yet only later does he recognize him as GaWoosh. The words that come out of his mouth sound strange. Bors can only equate it to when someone speaks to you under water. As for the words themselves, they are not in dwarfin or common yet he understands them perfectly.
"I place the lights." He stares at Bors to see if the dwarf understands before continuing. "You should have taken care of the water. Everything is getting wet."
The gnome points down and Bors sees that the dark room is ankle deep in a wine dark water. As Bors looks up, the hill dwarf is pointing behind him. There is a crack in the blackness- a light flickers through an open doorway.
"Close the door before more gets in. It might be too late to stop things from getting ruined."
Bors nods before sliding his seat back. The sound of the water echoes through the room like it was a cavern as he moves. As he walks towards the doorway, the water raises with each step. By the time he reaches the portal, it is up to his knees. He grabs hold of the door's handle and pushes. it will not budge. The current is too strong. He tries moving it from several points of leverage but finds no success.
As Bors steps through the doorway to try pulling it from the other side, he is distracted by the source of the light that was coming through the opening. The space of the other side of the door is mostly vast and black and filled with water. The light, bright but struggling, is coming from some sort of round object elevated above the watery surface. Bors squints as he tries to look at it. Something floats in the water below. Buoys? barrels? It is hard to see. The reflection on the light in the water looks like fire. Wild and violent in a way the illumination above is not.
Bors' eyes follow the dance of the reflection until he is staring at the water below him. At his own reflection. Its black eyes staring back up at him. Its visage feral. Bors' hand moves towards it as if to see if it is something more than a mere reflection. When the hands meet at the water's surface, Bors feels a sudden jerk and then he is under. There is the violence of struggle. His lungs burn. Everything is black.
A hand reaches down and pulls Bors up to the surface. Rustam, Bors' former employer is before him; helping the dwarf stand. They are in a star shaped room before a gradual stair down. Below them is a crescent-shaped shrine with a worn white altar at its center. Rustam begins to speak, his words are in the same language as GaWoosh's and distorted in a similar manner.
"I wanted to dance across her waters but my leg hurts too badly. You, though, are free to move along to where their course meets another. The fallen night will bring you guidance. Be careful. The frogs bite."
Bors finds himself moving down the stair as if lost in a current. The white altar growing before him. He nose is assaulted with a smell of lush vegetation and jungle rot. The rush of water is next to him. His vision alternates between a blinking red light and the white altar. The visions bring a peace to Bors that he never felt in his attempts to connect to his employer's old faith. He reaches towards the altar as the room begins to fill again with light. His hand is touching the common table in the great room of the Drinking Crow.
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