Dragon Slayers of the Drinking Crow Session #23- Stone Cold Adventure
Bors Redbeard feared being short of coin during an upcoming hiatus the dwarfin adventurer had to take due to a familial matter. As a result, he suggested to his fellow Dragon Slayers that they should focus their next delve into 'The Complex' on locating treasure. No one seemed to disagree. They settled on traveling north to the dungeon entrance located in the ruins of Orm-of-Old. As the following party left, they could be overheard discussing how many they should take the elevator down to Level 3 and get revenge on those 'gargoyles' before hunting for treasure:
- Bors Redbeard (Level 4 Dwarf)
- Left Redbeard (Level 2 Dwarf retainer)
- Copra Kaan (Level 4 Vat Spawn)
- Fredrick Featherstone (Level 4 Vestigater), turned to stone
- Gregor (Ghost Hound), turned to stone
- Malagath Finbaros (Level 3 Elf)
- Willow the Wisp (Level 3 Illusionist)
After recruiting Zamir "Small Time" Hashmi (Level 1 Thief) to join them in returning to the dungeon underworld, the group headed back up north into the ruins of Orm-of-Old. Their return from this second trip resulted in no new treasure finds but they did return with two sphinxes in tow and water-drenched Malagath. The sphinxes, androsphinx named Byxas and a gynosphinx Evamena have taken up temporary residence in the Drinking Crow having been freed from the Imperial Mother's captivity. According to the sphinxes, it seems like finding a magic-user that can cast Stone to Flesh will free Fredrick from his current state.
- 1250sp, 750ep, and 250gp in loose coins
- A necklace worth 1100gp
Experience Points
- 1850 xp from treasure
- Metallic bull creature defeated 1 x 1200xp
- Undead humanoid defeated 1 x 125xp
- Gynosphinx defeated in a battle of riddles 1 x 2300xp
Player Character Cut
- 303gp, 93ep, 287sp, and 6cp to Bors, Copra, Malagath, and Willow (1355gp, 75ep, 125sp to Lefty Redbeard)
- 1253xp to Bors, Copra, Malagath, and Willow
- 460xp to Zamir
- The newly grafted flesh grants Copra +1 to AC and a +4 to Paralysis Saves involving Petrification
- Bors, Copra, Malagath, Willow, and Zamir all gain the first tick in a Cultivate Relationships Clock with the sphinx pair for freeing them.
Write-ups, art, or maps form the session are worth 100 x PC Level in XP. Please let me know if anyone would like to perform a downtime activity.
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