New Downtime Activity- Carousing Along the Twilight Shores

 The city-state of Orm is riddled with spots those pockets made freshly full with treasure from a recent adventure can turn to blow off steam after a tough delve into the underworld. Besides the dominate taverns The Drinking Crow and The Burning Witch there are subterranean speak-easies, back room gambling operations, illegal pit fights, and pop-up watering-holes. Sometimes, though, one can tire of such earthly vices. Those naturally connected to the fey realm such as elves or hobs along with those that have spent the time to cultivate some sort of tie to it can choose to walk to the enchanted corpse of trees nestled to the west of the Animal Pens for more unusual entertainments. It could be a night dancing in a ball held by the Twilight Court or drinking with the hobs in attic of the Drinking Crow or some other phantasm of delight.

To carouse along with Twilight Shores, one spends 1d4 x 100gp and gains the same in experience. They then make a Save vs Death/Poison roll with a d20. Finally they roll 2d6 on the table below. If they failed their save, the subtract the result of their 1d4 roll for gp spent from the total. On a successful save, they add it. Only one downtime a month can be spent in this manner for time flows differently in the fey world.

Carousing Along the Twilight Shores

2d6 +/- 1d4

Carousing Result

-1 or lower

Social Gaff- You drunkenly blundered your way into breaking one of the strange social mores of the elfin court. You are banned from the Court of the Twilight Shores for 1d3 months and gain 1/2 xp from this round of carousing.


Buffoonery- Your intoxicated antics are found wanting by the denizens of fey world. You gain a reputation among them for being a fool and gain no xp from this downtime activity.


Lost- You find yourself lost in revelry for what feels like a night but when you return to the mortal realm you find that 1d3 weeks have passed.


Insulted a Witch- You insulted one of the mortal witches who have traveled to this side of night to consort with otherworldly beings. As punishment, you have been transformed into an inhuman creature. Roll 1d4 to find out what you have become: (1) A pig (2) As you were before in all but your head which is now that of a donkey (3) A frog. You maintain all your previous capabilities but are now tiny and have developed a strong taste for insects.


Duel- A disagreement has developed between you and an elfin dandy. A duel has been set for the next new moon. Roll 1d4 to determine if the duel will be (1) To first blood (2) To the death (3) To first fall (4) Of riddles. You will earn an additional 100xp if you win.


Danced For Days- The enchanting music of the elves is hard to resist. Roll a Save vs Spells. On a failed save, start the next session -1d4 HP (min. 1) as you are still exhausted from dancing non-stop.


Bacchanal- You join a chorus of satyrs and nymphs in wild debaucheries. If you failed your Save vs Death/Poison check, you weren’t careful and are now -2 to all attack and saving throw rolls your next session due to feeling under the weather.


Robbery!- On a failure save, you find that brownies have liberated you of some of a possession. Turn your inventory into a table by numbering each one. Then roll the corresponding dice to see what item has been taken. On a successful save, you find that you did the robbing. Gain an treasure worth 1d4 x 100gp that will be known to be stolen by all in the fey realm.


Gambling- You find luck in a series of bets over challenges of chance. Win 1d10x25gp. If you fail your save, the coins turn from gold to copper upon returning to the mortal world.


A Time Out of This World- You have a party experience you will never forget.


Hob Nob- You have a wild time drinking with the hobs in the rafters of the Drinking Crow. If your Save vs Death/Poison was successful, you open a Cultivate Relationship clock with one of them that is in the “1” position.


Romance- You have won the heart of a child of Lady Blackmarsh herself. Start a Cultivate Relationship clock in the 1 position. There is a 25% chance that a jealous sprite put a hex on you making you automatically failing your next saving throw.


Strange Brew- You partook of unearthly libations made by fey crafters. Roll 1d6 for its effects: (1) You have an extra pinch of luck granting a +1 to missile attack rolls next session. (2) Your tongue moves displays a wit of its own granting a +1 to reaction rolls next session. (3) You spend the next session as if you are the center of a Continual Light spell that only you can see. (4) You find yourself open to to extrasensory perception allowing you to spend the next session was if you can permanently Detect Magic but this openness leaves you are at a -2 to saving throws against fear and charm effects. (5) You will be able to communicate the first type of animal (normal size or large) you see as if the spell Speak with Animals was cast for1d6 turns before the effects fade (6)  In the next session played, you will be able to detect secret doors like an elf. The effects fade after 1d3 doors are detected this way.


Boon- You displayed remarkable skill at courtly entertainment whether through lively conversation, exquisite dancing, or some other display. As a result, you impressed a lesser member of the Court of the Twilight Shores. They have bestowed upon you a boon as a display of their favor allowing you to reroll one roll of your choice next session.


Moondew- You became drunk on the magical dew of the moon. You gain an additional 1d4x100xp from the mystical insights it grants you but have a 10% per every 100xp gained this way chance of -1 Wis.


The Affections of a Fey Being- While carousing along the Twilight Shore, a fey being became infatuated with you. Once per session, you may make a reaction roll to call upon your fey admirer to come to your aid. On a roll of 6 or less, their fickle affections have moved on and they will aid you no longer. Roll 1d3 to see what kind of admirer you have: (1) A sprite who will perform one non-lethal prank for you (2) A pixie who will invisibly fighting by your side for one combat or (3) A brownie who will open a dimensional door for you to one location known to you within 360’


Magical Feast- The otherworldly meal leaves you imbued with new power. Gain +1 to one random stat but are filled with a longing for such an experience again. Each additional time you roll this result, you must make a Save vs Spells with a cultivate -1 penalty for each time you have enjoyed such a meal. If you fail the save, you become lost to the magic of the fey realm and will never leave it.


Favor of an Elfin Regent- Your time reveling in the eflin court gained you the favor of Lady Blackmarsh herself. You may ask three questions of her as if you were contacting beings of the 3rd Planes per the spell Contact Higher Plane.


  1. This is the best post. I love this so hard.

    1. Thanks, Ben! It was one of those post that you don't mean to write that wrote itself.

  2. I love this, such evocative flavour and possibility within such a simple mechanic & table.


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