Mischief Night

  Mischief Night is here as Orm starts the Souling Tide. Lanterns carved out of beets are set to ward against spirits, devils, elves, and other beings that will travel freely for the next week between this world and the Otherworld. Livestock are being selected for sacrifice. Wood is being set for bonfires around the Monument of the Old Gods and near the untouched corpse near Orm's center. Feasts are being prepared. Twisted papier-mâché masks have their finishing touches made was others get out their deep-hooded robes to guise themselves as the dead or other spirits. This Mischief Night, though, will not be like any other.

This is something Fancy Jean-Yves, Copra, Kaan, and the Seer Kiddo discover as the return to the Burning Witch with a plea for a rescue party to be formed to rescue their fellow adventurers left behind in the clutches of the Imperial Mother and her forces. There is a peculiarity to the patrons of the Burning Witch that only grows with the day. The trio's awareness of it begins to slip as they begin to feel a pull of this strangeness as well. If one of their number possesses their wits long enough, they find that the atmosphere in the rest of the square around that cenotaph to the forgotten deities of old is filled with a similar air of oddity.

All those that adventure from Orm must roll a Save vs Spells with a +4. On a failed save, they must roll 1d8 and consult Table A below to see what transpired for them this night:

Table A: What Ill Event Befell You on Mischief Night

D8 roll

Result of Failed Save vs Spell


Unknowable Dreams- Consciousness is lost and a terrifying vision beyond comprehension is experienced. An alien landscape with creatures that defy description rendered in kaleidoscope of unknown colors play out a terrible . Make another Save vs Spells. On a failed save, loss one point from WISDOM when consciousness is regained.


Call of the Wild- Items, treasure, and equipment not previously said to be stored or banked are shed with abandon to return to a natural state. A deep urge, something darker than primal, leads you to stalk the streets of Orm with others who are answering a similar pull. You come to your senses a few days later, covering in muck and blood with only the haziest of recollections of acts best left forgotten. You have no idea where your possessions are.


Reign of Terror- You lost yourself to frenzied feelings of violence. After a night of wanton destruction, you landed in Orm’s jail. 1d6x100gp will pay the fine to free you from your confinement. Similarly, you can call in a favor from a noble you have opened a relationship clock with to gain your freedom. Until you are free, pay 1gp per day to the Orm Civil Defense Force for your board during this confinement.


Phantasmagoria- You wandered the streets of Orm unable to tell which horrors are phantasmic manifestations of this ill wind that has swept through Orm and which are real terrors played out by those lost in its spell. When the ordeal ends days later, your ability to tell illusion from the material world has lessened granting you a -2 penalty on future saves involving illusions.


Night Terrors- You encountered terrifying horrors you knew to be figments of your own mind's eye yet you still frantically hid from them. Even as a seasoned adventurer, these fantasies filled you with a fear so strong that you stayed in your hiding spot for days. Afterwards, you have lost a little of your grit granting you -2 to all future saves involving fear.


Cleansed with Flame- You are overwhelmed by fear and terror of what the night holds. The awful phantasms and uncharastically evil behavior of your fellows are, as you temporarily see it, only to be ended by a pathological need to cleanse it with fire. You burn down one of the following locations in Orm: (1) The Burning Witch (2) The Drinking Crow (3) The Copse of Trees that connects to the Twilight Shores (4) The Subtle Chateau (5) The Market (6) The Blackleaf Lodge.


Murderer- You fell into the grip of the darkest parts of yourself: an uncontrollable desire to bring another being to their end. Roll a d20 on Table B: Victims to see who you have slayen. If you rolled the same result as another character, they joined you in the killing. Otherwise, no one yet knows it was you.

Table B: Victims

D20 roll

Potential Victims


1d4 Hobs that drink in the rafters of the Drinking Crow.


1d6 Members of the halfling Bitterleaf Clan


1d4 Wastrels


1d4 Miracle Workers dedicated to the Free Prince


1d3 Spearmen recruits of the Midnight Marauders


The apprentice blacksmith Meag


Town guardsman Whipple


Head of the Loan Bank Yoseppi


Doctor Fortunius, gnome tinker


Ivouri Vos, jar magnate


This year’s Lady of Flowers, Atel Moory


Society of the Corusating Seal member Anthermule Anthrip Antherson, Esq.


Society of the Corusating Seal member Sir Jerimue of Blackleaf Lodge


Society of the Coruscating Seal member Matron Fiophone Starr 


The last member of the 111th Company you hired (roll randomly if you have never used their services)


One Arm, the expatriate brother carpenter


Gabby, owner of the Drinking Crow


Diana Nemoresis, fortune-teller based out of the Burnig Witch


Star Eyes Vat-Spawn refugee


The prisoner Valtropis

One last thing: if either Bors Redbeard or Betina make their Save vs Spells, please let me know.


  1. Bors Redbeard makes his save.

    Zamir 'Small Time' Hashmi does not. He rolled an 8 and then a 15, he hasn't hired anyone yet. So I rolled and got a 16, which is Many-Faced Gene. I'm not sure if I need to roll again since he is in prison.


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