Mischief Night Arrives as Sweet Dreams Comes to Town and Other News Around Orm

The streets of Orm are alive again as the city-state gets a break from their recent public health crisis. Here is what folks are talking about:

Most of Orm is a buzz with excitement for the impending Souling Tide starting with tomorrow at sundown with Mischief Night. It doesn't hurt that the holiday season comes just as Yellow Fever seems to have decided to recede from Orm. With the wealthy are returning and the healers brought to Orm through Bors Redbeard's efforts have yet to depart, it is believed that this year's festivities will be larger than normal. The coins spent traditional delights, decorations, and respectably ghoulish costumes is expected to be greater, too, as the recent trade woes brought on by the recent outbreak and the raiding in nearby waters continues to see Orm starved for goods.

The mournful tone that hung over the Burning Witch seems to have passed has an influx of post-Yellow Fever business hits the tavern (though it still lags behind the growth the Drinking Crow saw under a series of investments from Bors Redbeard). It was to a packed Witch that the librarian and magic-user Phasmo declared:

 "One hundred and fifty gold pieces to the person who reliably and discretely informs me who was pushing a barrel from the stairs in 'The Complex' to collect from the well. I will verify it!"


This is not the only loud declaration of spending adventurers in Orm have made of late. Those Dragon Slayers that frequent the Drinking Crow have hung out their shingle in the harbor for a new venture they call "Sweet Dreams". Have trouble sleeping? Need to put someone under before performing oral surgery? Have a foe that you would rather not kill in combat? Then, Sweet Dreams is for you! The new shop, managed day-to-day by a pleasant fey named Sleepy Thyme, offered jars of a single use of a sleeping gas (one human-sized or smaller target* exposed Save vs. Spells or they fall asleep for 4d4 turns) for a mere 50gp per jar. A full barrel will effect everyone within a room or space up to 6,000 cubic feet. Certified dental practitioners receive a 20% discount on all purchases.

*Sweet Dreams has proven ineffective for Elves or Elf-like beings.

"Sweet Dreams" is not the only mercantile effort driven by adventurers making moves. PakPak's ShopShop updated its inventory.
Here is the low down on the new items:
  • Very Deadly Poison- This toxin can be placed on a weapon by skilled hands or be ingested. The target exposed must made a Save vs Death or else they perish in 1d6 turns. There is a 15% chance the poison will be detected.
  • Jade Drop- Heals 3d8+3 when consumed.

Lastly, word of mouth has it that the duelist Wolfgang is finalizing the establishment of a school of martial training. The details of that, though, are for another time...


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