Dragon Slayers of the Drinking Crow Session #19- And This is Why You Never Separate the Party

 Fresh from their experience with the Sitrges and what Bors Redbeard calls 'The Pool of Life', the adventurers based out of the Drinking Crow once again gathered to discuss their next mission into 'The Complex'. After some discussions of Level 3 and the rumors spreading around Orm of valuable orbs and crystal fruit, the party settled on exploring more around the 'Pool of Life' used to resurrect Gregor the Ghosthound on their last delve. The following party headed north, into the ruins of Orm-of-Old towards their next adventure:

  • Bors Redbeard (Level 4 Dwarf)
    • Lefty Redbeard (Level 1 Dwarf hireling)
  • Copra Kaan (Level 2 Vat Spawn)
  • Fredrick Featherstone (Level 4 Vestigater)
    • Gregor the Ghosthound (loyal resurrected doggie)
  • Malagath Finbaros (Level 3 Elf)
    • Ur-Kel (Level 1 Vat Spawn Knight hireling)
  • Willow the Wisp (Level 2 illusionist)

A dower party return a member short: Bors Redbeard was missing. His brother and companion on the adventure, Lefty, headed off to the Athenaeum of the Dying Sun. There, he could be overheard entreating the librarian Journeyman Crannoc to meet with the self-styled Sorcerer King Valtropis to discuss a cessation of hostilities. Word is that Crannoc and his fellow librarian, the Riverborn Scamandros, will join the adventurers from the Drinking Crow in a meeting with Valtropis in order to free the hostage Bors Redbeard.

Lefty Redbeard and Ur-Kel were seen wandering off together to drown the dwarf's worries over his hostage brother. They were overheard discussing the Valtropis and the pool he had reclaimed. Ur-Kel puzzled over the familiarity that both carried while Lefty fretted over the choice the party was left with: have Bors returned to life but left a hostage of Valtropis or leave the dwarf dead. The pair also pondered the work of the Level 1 Weapon Tester and if it had any connection to the creature creation project on Level 2 that Research Librarian Ujmah discussed with the party. Lefty then became lost in the memory of the strange, statue-like creature that killed his brother. His eyes wild as he described how only Bors' magical golden axe could cut through their stone-like fresh. He said they attacked in a flurry of claw swipes, bites, and horn thrusts like the one that pieced Bors' head straight to the dwarf's brain. Lefty excused himself. As Ur-Kel settled his tab, one of the drug-addled tuffs of Orm threw insult on Lefty's ability to hold his liquor  from his lips stained crimson from the red crystal he smokes. Ur-Kel's inability to let such rudeness stand led to a bar room brawl that cost the Vat Spawn two of his teeth.

Found in the Athenaeum was the following slip of paper, misplaced by Copra Kaan during a Harpy lesson with Crannoc:

Copra Kään’s To-Do List:

-Discover some research subjects. 

-Talk to a researcher. 

-Discover an elevator. 

-Split the party. 

-Fight some gargoyles. 

-Bors dies :(. 

-Make a deal with Valtropis >:(. 

-Watch Bors be resurrected.

Experience Points

  • Winged statue-like creature defeated 1 x 75xp
  • 200xp per PC for discovering a new dungeon area east of the Research Library

Player Character Cut

  • 200xp ea.
  • 37xp ea. to Bors and Copra for the monster they defeated while separated from the rest of the party.


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