Burning Witch Session #43- If They Think You Are a Robber Then Why Not Act Like One

 A party of adventurers gathered in the Burning Witch. Much of the number was composed of dungeon delvers who in recent months have ventured into 'The Complex' with less frequency than they had earlier in the year. There were no special guests from the Drinking Crow. In many ways, outside of scars earned from the dungeon underworld or acquired treasures, the party could have been in its composition been from those early summer days before Yellow Fever have begun to plague Orm. This lot, whose last time walking the halls of 'The Complex' average well past a fortnight, whatever immediate objects they knew had mostly grown clouded in the haze of time. PakPak said he had a business transaction with some dwarves near the statue of the man holding a key on Level 3. The following party agreed to start there and see where fate took them:

  • Abraxis (Level 3 Fighting Mutant)
  • Betina (Level 2 Fighter)
    • Murfy (Level 1 Magic-User)
  • PakPak (Level 4 Kobold)
  • Phasmo (Level 3 Magic-User)
  • Wolfgang (Level 2 Duelist)
The party returned as healthy as they left but with little in the way of coin treasure. It was the several unusual items they had acquired that seemed like the true finds of the expedition. Much of the party was quiet after they returned. Some lost in though over things they saw. The coin Murfy earned was too little for the Chaos Magician to make the rounds at Orm's waterholes and spread the tale of the adventure. It can be said that PakPak left carrying a sack whose contents clinked together like glass or crystal as he made his way to the PakPak's ShopShop. Wolfgang left with Phasmo to see what the Athenaeum of the Dying Sun had to say about this flaming sword the party found.


  • A treasure map
  • Exotic full plate armor of blue elf make
  • A flaming sword (claimed by Wolfgang)
  • Caduceus Staff with serpent skeletons wrapping around it
  • Gauntlets with bird decoration etched on them
  • Exotic Leather Armor of blue elf make
  • 1800cp

Experience Points

  • 18xp from treasure
  • Ruaiat captured and robbed 1750xp
  • Aerual captured and robbed 725xp

Player Character Cut
  • 330 cp ea.
  • 498 xp ea.
Write-ups, art, or maps from the session earn 100 x PC Level XP. Let me know if anyone has any downtime activities they want to perform.

What do you all want to do with the armor, gauntlets, and staff you collected?

Rillis atamar Kerym

"I must have it!" is what Wolfgang uncontrollably uttered when he saw the flaming sword in the hands of the strange elf Ruiaiat. The elf had cursed when the duelist took it from his hands, "It is yours only if you learn how to wield it!" The elf's words were in vain. The secrets to his magical weapon, named Rillis atamar Kerym in Ruiait's people's language, were as plain as the translation of its name into the common tongue: Flaming adamantine Sword.

The sword is discussed in brief in Homerinous' History of Magical Mysteries Apprendix N: The Peculiar Realms of Twilight, Elfin and Otherwise, a book that Phasmo recently glanced at in a bit of contracted research he has been performing. The blade is a footnote in an overview of the spiritual warriors of the plane closet to our own, the Silver Wheel called by its inhabitants Nodel. In a separate pamphlet possessing a nearly blank cover with only the Old Imperialish words, "Metaphysical Extradimesional Arms," contains a great deal more insight. The flaming sword as not forged in any traditional sense. Instead, it seems to have been birthed from the the flames of creation themselves by the weaponeers of the Quessir Ath Tel'nodel. As a result, to access its power the user must meet with metaphysical mastering of the weapon. They must learn to inhabit the space where firm resolve directs the deepest of passion when the blade is wielded.

In game terms, a downtime spent in the spiritual exercise of meditation on the space guided by the mantra, "Tel'Uskeche maskan Ath ennama e eiliesen," is need to unlock Rillis atamar Kerym's power of bursting into flame at-will granting the following:
  • Produce light for a 30' radius
  • Is treated as a torch for purposes of setting things on fire
  • Inflicts fire damage
  • Grants a +2 bonus against creatures that cannot regenerate fire damage
  • Grants +2 bonus against bird-like creatures
  • Grants +3 against plant like creatures
  • Grants +3 against undead
  • The blade blazes until commanded to cease
The sword always functions as its base as a long sword +1 even if it has not been mastered in a spiritual execrise.


  1. PakPak is interested in keeping the staff and also the leather armor but one thing at a time.

    1. If no one jumps in here, they will be yours. I will post everything else for your group to auction before I run tonight.


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