The Midnight Marauders Triumphant Return from Their Raid and Other News Around Orm!

It has been a minute but here is some of the latest rumors and news passing through the taverns and backroom games of chances in Orm:

Advertisments plaster Orm, including in the Burning Witch and the Drinking Crow. Invitations on fancy card in elegant sealed many-hued envelopes have gone out to all lesser potentates, semi-noble personages, and wizards estimable and not so estimable.

“Phasmo the Seer invites you to the grand re-opening gala of the Athenaeum of the Dying Sun, featuring roasted pig and candied dates, hearty ale and piquant pernod, with such rustic entertainment as orm has to offer. Take a tour of the library and the wonders of that mysterious sanctum known as The Complex!” The Athenaeum occupies a ruined bathhouse, with a newly restored grand entrance with copper doors that are painted the colors of the dying sun, flanked by tasteful nudes with harpy wings. Across the whole places, wild roses and ivy grow. Guests are led up an exterior stairway to the roof, where liquor and dainties are served amidst wildflowers overflowing from planters, with a broad view of old Orm. Only wizards and true lovers of knowledge, are invited to take a tour of the inner library. Within the falling down charm of the peeling bathhouse, books are nestled in newly built shelves in every corner, nook and cranny, lining the walls of former pools, or secreted away in cozy saunas. Comfortable but worn furniture is bathed in the mid-morning light through newly installed windows. Only Seers and wizards of greater ranks are taken within the grand massage parlor, where the most secret and arcane tomes are kept under lock and key, under guard of the living dead and dread enchantments."

Meanwhile, in the ruins near the Athenaeum, a short one-armed being with skin the color of stone has been setting up a workshop. The being, who goes by "No. 47", has invested 500gp into the project. Word is that they plan to offer construction and repair services.

 "Fancy" Jean-Yves Beavilliers can help you Identify all kinds of magical things!

As it turns out, Fancy knows a lot of random and obscure bits about random and obscure things. He would like to extend this offer to other adventurers that may have mysterious objects that they would like identified for a 'lower than market rate' price.

Fancy will attempt to tell you all about that glowy dagger or that indescribable 'squishy-shape' that you found behind the couch, and he will do it for only 75 gold pieces!  WHAAAA!
That's right! for only 75 GP, Fancy will let you tap into his inconsistent yet unlimited knowledge of the universe!
But wait, there's more! If you bring Fancy some gewgaw, tchotchke, or gizmo, and he can't identify it, he will hand it back to you, FREE OF CHARGE! That's the Fancy guarantee!
That's not all Fancy can do! He can also give you information about mundane topics! He hears a lot of rumors! just ask!

The Midnight Marauders Return

The talk of the town, though, is the Midnight Marauders. They were seen returning to the Burning Witch from a delve into "The Complex" with prisoner in tow. The strange, bug-like armor they were wearing was destroyed. The damage on the armor of Carabas, Souz'awn, and Aladee Nightthistle imply lethal injures yet no wounds could be seen on their bodies. They were overheard at the tavern, telling the adventurers who hired them that they left the signs of the raid that they were asked. In addition, they know that there are survivors of the raid out there somewhere that would know i.d. them as Red Hive members. In addition, they have captured a wizard working in the area of the raid. They seek to ransom him back to his faction for 500gp unless a better offer is made. They will also sell a strange key they took from the wizard to the highest bidder.


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