Burning Witch Adventurers Session #29- In the Red Hive **Updated with Sketches**

All week, Phasmo had broken from the studies that have been taking up his time of late to corner a potential party with a mission he was cooking up. They were very hushed in their discussion as they poured over the community maps along with the one purchased by Phasmo from the Midnight Marauders. As the following group left for "The Complex", PakPak was over heard saying, "Wait, who are we attacking? I didn't know that was the plan!"

  • GaWoosh (Level 1 Gnome)
  • Journeyman Crannoc (Level 3 Magic-User)
    • Feathered Beast (monster retainer)
  • PakPak (Level 3 Kobold)
    • Sonja Strong (Level 1 Fighter)
  • Phasmo (Level 3 Magic-User)
  • Thea Noir (Level 3 Assassin)

The party returned unharmed, some of them in the suits of the Red Hive and GaWoosh still under an invisibility spell. They carried several coffers carried on spears, a chest tied to the feathered beast, and a leather sack as they returned to Orm.

Here are a couple of in-session sketches by GaWoosh's player Curtis:


  • Wooden chest: 3,000gp
  • Wooden Coffer 1,000gp
  • Small Iron Coffer: Blue Quartz 10gp, Turquoise 10gp, Tiger Eye Agate 50gp, Moonstone 75gp
  • Leather Sack: Bronze headband 70gp, Gold comb studded with amethysts 400gp, wrought gold bracelet 600gp, dragon-hide belt with platinum belt 1,700gp
  • Two crossbows
  • Two spears
  • 4 "Red Hive" suits (AC 13)

Experience Points

  • 6915xp from treasure
  • "Red Hive" members defeated 14 x 15xp

Player Character Cut

  • 1267gp, 7sp, and 5cp ea.
  • 1425xp ea.
As always, there is bonus xp equal to 100 x PC level for maps, art, or write-ups from the session. Let me know what downtime activities you would like to do in the comments.


  1. Inspired by Phasmos use of the marbles Pak Pak sees if Meag is can use some scrap metal to create a totally new thing he's come up with. He's also just asking for caltrops and doesn't realize it. Pak pak will pay for them and also gives her the few yellow stones he has from the shadow monkeys thinking they might be a cool decoration for something.

    He'll also talk to Ivouri selling jars in the complex. Mentioning that the brothers seemed interested in getting more, maybe setting up an occasional shipment? PakPak is willing to try and broker a deal with the brothers. The people of Kem also seemed interested but are also broke.

    1. Would you like either of these to be a cultivate relationship roll?

    2. I'll try to improve the relationship with Ivouri

  2. Cool. Roll 2d6 plus your reaction bonus.

    Also, Meag is currently unavailable for work. She is working on some sort of secret project.

    1. Rolled an 8

      Also very curious in this secret project and want to know who it's for.


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