Wakes, Garrisons, and Bartamus Fludge Returns in This Fortnight's News Around Orm!

Another fortnight has passed in Orm and it cannot be said that it has been a quite one. Below are the topic most on folks lips in Orm...
Riverborn Scamandros lead a wake at the Burning Witch for fallen fellow adventurers Castora and Feeble Finn. The magic-user threw down 20 gold pieces for the event inviting all interest to contribute their own coin to the remembrance of their fellows.*

The Midnight Marauders return from another delve with the body of a 5' long giant lizard in tow. The adventurers plan to have the orange spotted beast turned into a trophy for the their company headquarters. They are rumored to have sold a golden circlet after their expedition. All was not cheer when the group returned, as charter member Jacq Twigg (sometimes called Ghoul Slayer) and company man-at-arms Sammo both returned deceased. The group caroused in memory of their brethren. During the drinking, the group shared tales of staying at the inn run by the Brothers and Sooz'awn rambled on about how "The Immortal" granted her the power to see magic. The later might have just been the drugs the former member of the Order of the Illuminated Eye was on. When all was said and done, elfin company member Aladee Nightthistle is wanted for questioning in relation to a riot that broke out (the second in recent weeks). Meanwhile, a comely young woman now claims to be company captain Sir Rolf Van Pattyn. Van Pattyn had been seen flirting with her while carousing. The captain in his previous form has not been seen since so maybe there is some truth to the young lady's stories.

Due to a recent rash of civil unrest in Orm (such as the latest riot), the Rani has dispatched a unit of twenty infantry men under the command of Serjant Xos to supplement the Orm Civil Defense Force. They are barracked in unused parts of the Guard Tower that houses the Civil Defense Force. There has been a noticeable increase in patrols.

The adventurers Betina, Frim Frimmerson, Journyman Crannoc, Phasmo, Riverborn Scamandros, and Wolfgang were seen carrying two writhing skeletons of metal bound in copper wire through the streets of Orm from the shore. The party attracted attention wherever it went and would still be the top of the news if it wasn't for the latest riot.

Her Majesty, known to some as the Lady Blackmarsh, is seeking brave beings willing to hunt down the Oloth El'gg Ssusson. Those that succeed will receive a strand each of her hair and a chalice containing fragments of stars fallen from the skies above. Those that retrieve the remains of Margrave Quinus will each receive their pick of a wine bottle from the Margrave's personal collection. It should be warned that those entering into such an agreement open themselves to be subject to the laws of the Court of the Twilight Shores.**

A contingent from the Order of the Dragon has arrived in Orm to retrieve the body of armiger Castora and bury him in a place of honor in the crypts of the order. Dame Galathea, the Bronze Dragon, remains in Orm with a couple of squires in order to officially induct Castora's retainer Ur-Kel into the order. To this end, a contest of arms will be held on the parade grounds of the Impossible Fortress in one month's time (corresponding with the Summer Solstice). The prize shall be a golden circlet worth 1100gp.

Related to this, the beast keepers at the stables in Orm relay that Dame Galathea will offer 175gp to the parties of Journeyman Crannoc, Betina, Phasmo, Riverborn  Scamandros, and Frim Frimmerson for the giant beelte the group captured on a previous expedition. The beast keepers will keep 8gp as a finders fee if the sale is agreed upon as previously negotiated by Crannoc.

*Any that contribute gp to the wake will recieve the gp spent in xp up to 100 x their level.

**In addition, interested parties must give me at least a week of time to prepare for a session out of investigating "The Complex".

Bartamus Fludge Return's

The halfling trader, Bartamus Fludge returns to Orm, his caravan mush reduced in size from his last visit. Fludge set up his two giant ferrets next to the Monument of the Gods and opened up shop. Three grizzled, human man-at-arms armed with polearms guard Fludge's wares. When asked as to what happened to his previous guards, assistants, or bearers; Fludge replies, "Night Raiders!!!"

Bartamus Fludge’s Inventory
Qty. In Stock
Price Per Unit
A hand brace drill with a u-shaped body.
12 gp
Insect Repellent
A greazy salve that is waterproof.
13 oz.
1 gp per oz.
Hand Axe
A bearded axe w/ a 24” handle.
3 gp ea.
A mixture of opium, henbane,
and mandrake. Heals 1 HP but
On a failed Save vs Poison
leaves recipient incapacitated
for 1d4 turns.
10 doses
5 gp per dose
Soothill Sours- a sour mash that
provides the drinker, on failed
Save vs Poison, 1d3 temporary
HP along with a -1 to all d20
rolls and spell casters have
a 1-in-4 chance of a misfire.
10 measures
5 sp per measure
Cashmere with fringe
15 gp ea.
Please comment below with purchases you wish to make from Fludge. Transactions will only be handled here so that I can keep quantities sold straight. Items will be first come, first serve.


  1. Scamandros would like to purchase 4 oz. of insect repellant and one of the fine tunics for 19 gp altogether.

    I'm happy to sell the living beetle, and am intrigued by the rewards offered by the Lady Blackmarsh

    1. Ah, I'd like to purchase 3 doses of sedatives as well.

  2. Bors would like to get a drill.

  3. Before heading off for the important matter of training with his mentor, Crannoc will see about setting in motion:
    1. Buying 4oz of insect repellant, but he perhaps wants a more unique tunic for himself.
    2. Spending 100gp at Feeble Finn's and Castora's wake.
    3.Agreeing to the sale of the beetle.
    4. Inquiring as to more details of the quest Lady Blackmarsh offers and the other quest to retrieve the remains of Margrave Quinus.,
    5. Hiring a scribe/illuminator to make a copy of one his most beloved works of erotic harpy poetry to give as tribute to Merdinus, in thanks for Merdinus donating his tome to the Athenaeum.

  4. Betina agrees to the sale of the beetle.

  5. Stench would like to contribute 10gp toward the wake — he’s touched by death and the sentimental type, despite his appearance — plus purchase 2 doses of sedatives and 2 measures of spirits from Fudge. Also intrigued by Lady Blackmarsh’s offer.

  6. Julia's Fredrick Featherstone buys 2 doses sedatives, 2 measures of Soothill Sours, and 2oz. of insect repellent.


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