Burning Witch Adventurers Session #20- Attack of the "Suck Clouds"! **Updated w/ Scamandros' Recounting**

The seer known as Riverborn Scamandros had spent the post-Festivial of Flowers days expounding upon designs decidedly different than his fellow librarians at the Atheanean of the Dying Sun's were hatching a few tables away. No Level 3 dangers in this magic-user's plotting. Instead, he shared schemes of making collections in the yeast fields on Level 1 of "The Complex" or of picking the strange black fruits that grow on unnatural vines in Level 2. Both of these were so the magic-user could use the fruits of the expedition to make new, possibly magical, inebriants. Such plans seemed to capture interest among a handful of the adventurers that gather at the Burning Witch. As a party composed of said adventurers left the tavern to start their march towards that now infamous cliff side opening, some of in their number could be heard grumbling about possibly redirecting the expedition towards the acquisition of treasure. Who among the following it was, fellow patrons of the Burning Witch could not say:

  • Fancy Jean-Yves Beauvillers (Level 1 Bard)
    • Turwin and Turq (Level 0 Men-at-Arms)
    • Glys (Level 0 Crossbow Woman)
  • Feeble Finn (Level 1 Dwarf)
  • Fergus (Level 1 Magic-User)
  • Scamandros (Level 2 Magic-User)
    • Kiddo (Level 0 Scrappy Youth)
  • Thea Noir (Level 2 Assassin)
The party returned carrying a small chest filled with electrum pieces and several members' heads covered in snot, blood, and goo. Turq's right arm was badly cut and burned.

Here is a recounting of events by Scamandros.


  • 350ep (worth 175 in gp)
  • One chest with a mechanism for a dart trap
  • 3 falchions (sell for 8gp ea.), 3 crossbows (sell for 15gp ea.), and 3 sets of chainmail (sell for 20gp ea.)
  • 2 rot grubs
  • fancy chainmail (let me know how you want to proceed with this in the comments)

Experience Points

  • 175xp from treasure
  • "Metroids"/"Suck clouds" 3 x 15xp
  • Vatspawn soldiers of Valtropis 3 x 50xp
  • Wall crawling tentacle creautre 1 x 47xp

Player Character Cut

  • 83 xp ea.
  • 25 gp 70ep 8sp ea. (if you want any of the gear, buy it out of the pool from your fellow adventurers)
As always: you can turn in a map, a drawing, or a write-up of the session for The PC level x 100xp.

If you want to partake in any downtime activities, let me know in the comments.

Feeble Finn's Time in the Drunk Tank

Presaging this most recent delve, the dwarven adventurer known as Feeble Finn had ended up locked up in Orm's dungeons after a incredibly wild week of carousing. The dwarf himself was quite fuzzy on what the specific series of events were. The mysterious pickle Finn found himself in was most extreme- paying a 3000gp fine or joining the reserves of the Impossible Fortress his only ways out.

Luckily for Finn, he remembered that in his carousing the week prior that his prosthetic leg Dr. Fortunius had crafted for him had caught the eye of the magic using advisor to the Rani known only as the Enchantress. Talk of the leg had lead to Finn recounting all sorts of his adventures into "The Complex" over several nights on drinking at the hearth of the Burning Witch drawing a crowd that was entranced by Finn's tales. None, maybe more so, than the Enchantress herself. Who would be better able to fix Finn's legal woes than an advisor to the local ruler?

Finn was able to have a token from the Enchantress hidden in his prosthetic leg delivered to the Enchantress. The magic-user user responded in person, securing Finn's release under the pretense that he is doing work for the Enchantress. Regretfully for Finn, though, the Enchantress could not secure the release of Finn's possessions. Word is that the Orm Civil Defense Force may have already sold them off.


  1. Scamandros wishes to cultivate a mentor-type relationship with Kiddo the hireling, in especial hopes of awakening the potential he sees in her for the practice of the arcane arts (if only she could tap into it!) in the future, rather than the more menial life of a fighting-woman, rogue, or worse--a day laborer or business person!

    To this end, he invites her on a different kind of expedition than into the Complex; first to the market to purchase a cask, rhubarb, sugar, and to draw some water from a well, and hopefully some trub (yeast) from a brewer, as well as a filled wineskin to share (can't make booze without drinking it), and thence to the Burning Witch again to cook everything up in an alchemical experiment. Hopefully these ingredients shouldn't cost anything more than 2 gold in the small proportions being acquired.

    As Scamandros envisions it, the conversation should range broadly, from shared expeditions into the vault, to the particulars of the process of brewing, even into the depths of arcane philosophy (when the wine has flowed enough to lubricate the more philosophical dreamings of the mind, of course).

    1. Roll 2d6 modified by Scamandros' reaction bonus to see if he is successful in cultivating this relationship.

    2. If you like, Kiddo will become Scamandros' retainer rather than a member of the hireling pool.

    3. Excellent! That would be quite agreeable to Scamandros

  2. If possible, I (fancy) would like to wear the chainmail. I don't know if it's magical or whatever, but it is the best class of armor that I can wear.

    1. I, Scamandros, am not opposed to that, if you'd like to buy it out with your share of treasure (a fourth each to the rest of us, though Finn's is likely going to his funeral arrangements at this hour).

    2. By 'my share of the treasure,' do you mean the share that we pulled out o this expedition? If so, that's fine with me.

    3. Yeah, that was my thought


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