Burning Witch Session #14- Praise Transmogrifah

Over shared chestnut ales at the Burning Witch, the recently-blined Betina and the magic-user Scamandros has sent the last few weeks hatching a plan to visit a stange white "altar" that the Foreman of the Brothers had told Betina about. The fighter hoped and prayed that the transforming properties of this object revered by the mutant tribesman in "The Complex" would grant her some sort of extraordinary sense or physical mutation to help compensate for her lost sight.

When the scheduled day and time for the delve came, Scamandros was nowhere to be seen (unknown to Betina, Scamandros had just gotten caught up in working arcane formula and lost track of time). Luckily for Betina, several other adventurers that frequent the Burning Witch were interested in visiting this "White Altar" (including one that had visited it before and undergone its transmogrifying processes). Party consisting of the following adventurers and hirelings was quickly formed:
  • Betina (Level 1 Fighter)
    • Kay Em Dee (Level 0 Tuff)
  • Dingy (Level 1 Dwarf), deceased
  • Dogmouth (Level 1 Thief)
    • Geoph the Burrower (Level 1 Gnome)
    • Geoph's squirre sidekick, Chip.
  • Frim Frimerson (Level 1 Fighter)
The party returned to the Burning Witch worst for wear and minus their compatriot Dingy the Dwarf. His body was unrecoverable.They did have among their number, though, a four-eyed stranger with strange ways with the following visage and name:


  • Nothing material but the following mutations were gained:
    • Betina now possesses an enhanced sense of touch, allowing her to engage in combat with enemies within 5' even though she is blind plus unknown other possibilities.
    • Dogmouth can use psychometry 3 x a day.
    • Kay Em Dee now has a conically-shaped head.

Experience Points

  • Defeated kobolds in combat 10 x 5xp
  • The kobolds' mastiff guard dog 1 x 35xp
  • Defeated yeast zombies in combat 7 x 25xp

Player Character Cut

  • 65xp ea.
Anyone interested in taking part in downtime activities, post in the comment below.


  1. Betina will approach the Orm Civil Defense Force contact known as "Whipple" that she spoke with several weeks ago. She's wanting to find a lead to someone that could help her train to fight blind. She'll buy him a pitcher of the ale.

    1. Sorry to be getting to this so late. Whipple will share how the members of the watch don't need to worry about patrolling the ruins north of town because of a being of legend-- the Red Monk. He shares what he knows--including how the guard leave melons or berries in an old, dry well in Orm-of-Old as a thank you to the Monk.

    2. I know that this is the past but did you want to follow up on this thread during this downtime segment? It wouldn't have influenced last night so I am fine with you taking some sort of downtime action related to this.

    3. Yeah, if we can retcon that Betina had Kay Em Dee (if he was literate?) write a note of introduction to the Red Monk and she could have gone fruit shopping at a market (maybe for flavor text having consulted her produce knowledgeable friend Avreml for guidance) to pick up some melon and berries to leave with the note in the old, dry well in Orm-of-Old for the Red Monk.

    4. <3 it! Roll 2d6 modified by your reaction bonus.

  2. I rolled 4+4=8. I don't have a bonus.


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