Burning Witch Adventurers Session #11 **Updated with Slithering Devil Bestiary Drawing**

Sitting in the entrance of the Burning Witch one morning sat the decapitated body of the thief known as Bindle. Slung over his shoulder was his bindle, blood dripping from the cloth which contained--the rogue's head!!! His right hand was broken, resting in his lap. No one saw who had left the body but only one name was on the lips of the tavern patrons--The Crooked Hand!

Arriving soon after was Bindle's brother, Byndle, to deal with his sibling's remains. Byndle, life his brother, was also a thief by trade. He met with his sibling's fellow adventurers and soon after, they were off to "The Complex". But, wait, you ask. "Who were they?!?" Well, the party this time consisted of:


  • Betina (Level 1 Fighter) now blinded
    • Kay Em Dee (Level-0 Tuff)
  • Byndle (Level 1 Thief)
  • Frim Frimerson (Level 1 Fighter) now missing a nose
  • Hate Pit (Level 1 Vat-Spawn)
    • Banx (Level 1 Illusionist)
  • PakPak (Level 1 Kobold)

The group returned to the Burning Witch in much worse a condition than they left: Byndle drunk and his formal wear dirty, Frim Frimerson possessing a hideous permanent wound where his nose used to be, and the hireling Kay Em Dee guiding his now eyeless employer Betina.

The Slithering Devil--as draw by PakPak player Rob A. This thing eat Frim's nose and took Betina's eyes!!!


  • Silver short sword with matching scabbard worth 200gp
  • 45 silver pieces
  • 8 Lead sling bullers (+1 to hit/+1 to damage)

Experience Points

  • 204xp from treasure
  • 570xp from Slithering Devil

Player Character Cut

  • 154xp ea
  • 40gp and 9sp ea


  1. After a long session attempting to master a new spell to be learned from his mentor, Scamandros stops off at the Burning Witch tavern for a pint to "reinvigorate" his thirst for learning with a more mundane thirst. Surprised to find Kay Em Dee guiding Betina (both erstwhile companions of Scamandros' first delve into "the Complex"), Scamandros calls both over and offers to buy a pitcher (or two) in return for the tale. (He spends 2 gp for the drink, if that suffices).
    "What happened to bring you to such straits, Betina? Last we ventured together, you were as hale as I." And squinting curiously at Byndle, Scamandros also inquires, "And, uh, is that our friend Bindle, or did some *wight* replace him?"

  2. Betina gladly accepts Scamandros' offer of ale. "Let me introduce you to Byndle, who is Bindle's brother. Bindle met his end when he tried to make payment to the thieves' guild he owed coin to, but they found his offer (1/4 of what he owed if my maths are correct?) insufficient and chose to make an example of him by killing him and leaving his maimed corpse on the doorstep of this very drinking establishment." She pauses to take a sip of the beer.
    "As to how I lost my eyes..." Another gulp. "Bindle's brother Byndle, and the adventurers Frim, Hate-Pit, Pak-Pak, their helper Banx, myself and KMD ventured back into the complex, this time working our way into the southeastern section. Pak-Pak diplomatically dealt with some folks whose allegiance was to a Sorcerer King essentially making us information agents of some kind, then we moved through a room of vanishing Barbarian Ghosts, up some stairs into a long unused sparring studio." Betina finishes her ale and presses coin into the hands of KMD asking if he can get them another pitcher. "The hallway north of that room is where we heard a noise and were able to ascertain (by way of Banx's keen eyesight and Byndle's sneaking) that a 10' long snake-like creature was moving ahead of us into a room of rubble. We devised a clever plan to draw the creature down the hallway and hamper it's motion by dragging the sparring dummies and mats out of the dojo and into the hallway so we could attack it with some advantage." KMD has returned with a pitcher and refills their mugs. "The beast had a spherical fleshy head and a long furry body, but worst of all were the wicked shard teeth which were the last thing I saw before it bit my eyes out. I'm only alive right now due to KMD's quick wits. He fed me one of the Black Fruit, which restored my health and consciousness. Being much impaired, it's unclear to me how the other members of the party managed to slay that ugly devil, but they did! We then made our way over to that strange underground market and dropped off the carcass of the beast at the tanner. The Foreman thanked us but had no reward for the slaying of a creature he claimed had caused his work crews much vexation." She takes another gulp of ale. "The others conducted a bit more business in the market, then we made our way out and back to the tavern, where you find me now."

  3. "The Foreman mentioned a place in the Complex I should visit, if I recall correctly a white stone of some mysterious power. The adventurer known as Frim has been to it. I don't think it can restore my sight, but can possibly confer some other sense or power upon those that visit it. I think they gave KMD a map to find it."

    1. "How interesting," Scamandros muses over his own stoop of ale. "Or, eh, terrible, how terrible the loss of your eyes, that is. (Did the thing seem intent on them, or was it just a terrible fluke?) And how fortunate Kay Em Dee's quick wits in such a situation ... such leal hirelings are worth more than a gold coin or so, don't you agree? I'll have to keep such in mind in future.
      "As to the white stone, I must say that fain would I--er, gladly, I should say--accompany you on any venture into the Complex to discover it, hopefully thus to accrue to you some new means of acquiring information. If my studies do not take me away, let me know, and I shall gladly join you in such an expedition!"

    2. Is a visit to the white altar of interest to you both? If so, I could plan a session not this week but next to tackle it.

  4. For downtime PakPak carouses during which he winds up partying with several adventurers all drinking and telling stories. Being the chatty loudmouth that he is he can't help but jump in with his own stories. The charismatic Kobold spins the tale of killing the slithering devil. His theatrics get the better of him as he draws a crowd. An adventurer woman becomes enamored with him as they keep drinking, trading tales and one -upping each other through the night until PakPak wakes up next to L'dy Meggee nee Sweets a young Hob adventurer also now known as Mrs. PakPak.


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