The Procession of the Old Gods is Here And Other News Around Orm

In these gray post-Ostara days, here is the latest new in Orm:

It seems that it will take more than the return of the Vas family's wayward scion Drüg for the family to put his circumstances to rest. It was maybe the biggest news to hit Orm when a group of misfit troubleshooters carried through town the thoroughly tied up Drüg, fighting and squirming the whole way. There was quite the scene. Iouri Vas, Drüg's father, claims his son was stricken with a strange alignment during his disappearance. The jar mogul is now offering a reward of 1,000gp to anyone who can undo his son's current state.

News of Drüg's return has reached all the way to the Impossible Fortress. The castle steward, Merdinus, has taken a keen personal interest in the matter. The venerable dwarf has been seen visiting the Vas home and scouring the taverns of Orm trying to locate those that know more about Drüg's circumstances.

Earlier this past fortnight, eight castaways from a Holy Imperial galley have wash ashore in the Bay of Favul. Current residents of the Subtle Chateau, they are looking for work. The official word from the Impossible Fortress is that they are survivors of a Sea King attack. The word among the most grizzled sea hands, though, is that it was something stranger. The tales of the carnage wrought by red-eyed marauders carry a depravity far beyond even the cruelest Sea King yarn. 

A new drug has hit the streets in Orm in the wake of Ostara. The young ruffians that frequent the Burning Witch have especially taken a liking to it. It is said to induce a dream-like state.

As mentioned previously, with the passing of the latest full moon; Ostara arrived! The residents of Orm dourly lined the streets of Orm to attend the Procession of the Old Gods. The town was in a hush, not even the birds would sing, as the dead gods of aeons passed rode their mounts through Orm. The unlucky were called to join the Procession as the divine specters traveled their way back to their resting place.

Those that did not partake in The Resplendent Fête must make a saving throw versus magic. If the save is failed, roll on the table below:

The dead gods of the Procession know you. They jealously see the life that still fills you and...
You heard the sound of hooves outside your window at night as you fall asleep. If you look out, no one is there.
Suddenly, you find that well roasted meats, baked delights, and the like taste like ash in your mouth.
In the Procession, one of the gods terrified you the most. When you close your eyes, you can see its form staring at you in the darkness.
You could swear that you regularly hear the faint calling of your name upon the wind.
You always think you dressed properly for the day but somehow always end up with the chills.
A god signaled for you to join them. For some reason, you ran instead. Everything you hear hooves, your first thought is that it is them coming for you.
You will do anything to forget the feeling of the cold hand of that god on your shoulder as it led you through the streets. Your next carousing roll will cost you double but you will gain double XP. You will automatically fail the save vs. poison.
The feeling of each and every one of the eyes of those gods is still with you. Why didn’t they force you to join the Procession? The anxiety over this has led you to form a nervous habit.
A particularly melancholic god had you march before their mount. When they reached the edge of the Old Town, they pointed to your coin. They took all you had and let you go. 
You have to sleep with a light on. In the dark, you can see those dead gods sneaking towards you and moving around your bed.
Choose a food. Something about it. Its shape, its texture, its smell, etc. reminds you of one of the beings that took part in the Procession. It so repulsed you that whenever you partake of that food, you must save vs. poison or get sick.
When the dead gods asked for you, the crowd made a mistake and grabbed the wrong person. They are now marked for the next year but know it should have been you.
During the Procession, you make eye contact with a deceased divinity that possesses a visage unlike anything you have ever seen. You lock gazes for a moment and you know it has made a personal note of you.
You have had a hard time keeping your mind focused since the Procession. At the start of the next session, random roll a piece of equipment that you forgot to bring to the dungeon with you.
When an old god grabbed you to join the Procession, you fell and were trampled. You start your next session with 1d4 less HP (minimum of 1).
Domesticated animals can sense the doom flowing from you, you just know it! Dogs whimper in your presence, birds songs turn mournful, and mounts will randomly refuse to carry you forward (a 1-in-6 chance every hour or six turns).
You haven’t been able to shake this overwhelming sense of dread. You are at -2 to attacks and saves until you score a critical success and regain some hope.
Your name weezed through the dead maw of an old god and the crowd responded by pushing you out into the Procession. There is a 50% chance that each new Cultivate Relationship clock you open will be at disadvantage because the NPC was there. They were one of the ones that pushed you.
A god, whom you did not see, grabbed hold the nape of your neck and forced you to march alongside its mount. You followed the Procession out of Orm, unseen again for a follow week. You awoke amongst the ruins of Orm-of-Old with a strange, new mark on your body. You would swear it was a birthmark but it was not there before. You lose one week of downtime activity.
An especially hideous monstrosity pointed a digit straight at you before silently beckoning you from the crowd. All of Orm saw you parade along the dead gods. For the next year, you are -2 to reaction rolls in Orm as all seek to avoid being entwined in your miserable fate.


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