The Latest Word Around Orm

Here is the latest gossip and news around Orm:

Recently arrived at the harbor are three red-bearded dwarvfish siblings: LeftyWhiskers, and Bors Redbread. This trio of relations to the proprietor of the Drinking Crow, Gabby, look set on joining an expedition into some of the area sites constructed by their fore-bearers--for pay of course. Gabby is a little concerned that his cousins are itching a little too hard for adventure and may cut out on their own if they can't find a party interested in their company.

Sir Yann Sharp lead a force from the Impossible Fortress routing the Knights of the Road. The Raggedy Duke's band scattered from the ruins of Old Orm up into the Gloaming Hills under Sir Yann's tactics. The court of the Rani seems quiet taken with the newly-belted knight's tale though, maybe, a bit too clever.

Rumors of strange nocturnal sightings continue to trickle out of Sourwood Marsh. Tied to these takes is the disappearance of one Johan Bitterleaf. Some, like the Bitterleaf's on Johan's mother's side of the family, place the blame for the disappearance. That Bog's Hollow contingent of the Bitterleafs has always been more taken to such fantasifull lines of thinking. Too many halflings went adventuring in that line. A sensible Bitterleaf would say that Johan had an accident in those marshlands or got lost. Things like that have been known to happen from time to time.

Carriages, drays, and the odd palaquin have been seen coming and going from the Impossible Fortress at odd hours. There has been bruit of colorful lights on the fortress grounds along with that of faint music or laughter drifting out from the Inviolable Gate along the night wind. Is it possible the Rani is not observing the month long desisting from excitement and pleasure leading up to Ostara? Who could say as no one is bold enough to utter the question aloud.


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