Adventurers of the Drinking Crow Session #4

A week after Ostara had passed and the Old Gods had performed their processional, the skies over Orm may have been gray and misting but once again Gabby's ale was on tap at the Drinking Crow. A group of regulars were giving a newly arrived cleric, Bjorn Firebeard, the whats what on this underworld they have been exploring over some drafts when Gawoosh burst into the tavern. The Burning Witch frequenter had a thing or two to say about PakPak being poached last delve but as soon as he stepped foot in the place, all of that seemed to dissipate. Next thing you know, a party was forming for another delve. Its members included:

  • Bjorn Firebeard (Level 1 Cleric of the Mythic Groundhog) 
  • Elvira Wyld of Odellwood Abby (Level 1 Gothic Villain)
    • The Battleaxe Bros Biff (deceased) and Tom (0-Level Drunks)
  • Gawoosh (Level 1 Gnome)
  • Malagath Feneros (Level 1 Elf)
  • Rustam of the Twin Lakes (Level 1 Cleric)
    • The Redbeards: Bors, Lefty, and Whiskers (Level 1 Dwarves)
Below is the latest entry in Rustam's journal covering the latest trip to that opening in the seaside cliff.

Rustam of the Twin Lake
Entry four,
        Heroes! I am adventuring with heroes! At first that is what I fancied myself, being in the forefront, guarding my companions, that’s what I foolishly thought of myself, but that was a delusion, for I am nothing more than an adventuring priest.  The brothers, the bold Boors, the laudable Lefty, and the wily Whiskers, along with the gifted Gawoosh, the mighty Malagath, the elegant Elvira, and the brave and pious Björn had me in awe of their deeds.  
        We started out this expedition trying to give Wailoon their final rest.  To say the least we found things to be a bit more complicated.  While trying to deal with that, we were spotted by five of the Illuminated Eye, a scourge to be sure.  We fought a mighty battle with Björn and myself completely overwhelming two of them.  But one of their number struck my leg. I was lucky enough to be able to tourniquet it and only lose the leg, however, one of Elvira’s companions was not so lucky.  As not to be a burden on the group, I was placed in a secret door as to be out of the way. The rest of this story comes from what Boors told me. The next area they went to was where Gawoosh tells me are more of is Gnomish kin, but they decided to press on to where there was a device rigged to a door, to spring as someone opens it.  Luckily the trapped door was not the one they entered.  They went into another hallway where Boors put his ear to a door and heard two people talking.  They opened the door and rushed in thinking they could easily overwhelm those inside, but they proved to be hearty foes indeed! They wore the two down, but they called for reinforcements! Not wanting to be pincered, they fell back into the previous room, and spiked the door closed to regroup. They formulated a plan to take the device that was in the room and use it against the foes, but disaster had to strike!
        The other door opened and three more of the menace attacked.  Luckily one of them fired a blast and it backfired on him, killing him and hurting another.  Gawoosh, fired the device but it was a mere glancing blow, but that’s when Lefty showed his abilities and deftly disposed of the dreaded and dastardly villain.  Taking her longsword while Björn took her whip, they were able to retreat back even further, spiking the doors to prevent chase.  They did this at every door to buy enough time to carry me out with them.  While there was no treasure to be had this day, we did trim the number of the Illuminated Eye a bit more, and we will be better prepared in case we meet them again.  I do believe that they are a force to be eliminated.  
        When we returned back to Orm, Malagath graciously put up some collateral for me so I could get a large loan to commission a prosthetic leg.  His grace and majesty cannot be spoken of enough! He is worthy of praise from all who reside in Orm, I shall exalt his name at every instance I am able!  I got some crutches while I wait the two months for this prosthetic to be made.  Hopefully I will be able to the heroes while I gain funds to pay off this loan and to build the shrine to Danu.


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