
Showing posts from April, 2022

The Sacking of Orm Session #3

 It has been a minute, hasn't it? How things were last left, the elfin airship the Purple Rose had crashed into Orm as a consequence of a battle between the Dragon Slayers and the monster known as the Oloth El'gg Ssuson. Orm was set ablaze and in the chaos the unliving raiders that call themselves the Worthy Dead set upon the settlement to pick its bones clean. A group of adventurers protected the Athenaeum of the Dying Sun . The Dragon Slayers prevented total destruction the untouched copse of trees connecting Orm to the Twilight Shores (I will post about that as soon as I can dig up my notes). This post concerns itself with a third group of composed of the following adventurers that found themselves outside the Burning Witch: Bludoon (Level 1 Dwarf) Heike (Level 1 Cleric of the Free Prince) PakPak (Level 5 Kobold) Phasmo (Level 4 Magic-User) Lirazil (Level 2 Elf retainer) Wolfgang (Level 3 Duelist) PakPak's player Rob A. provides us a look at an anti-cleric of the Wolf ...